Have you ever heard of a dandle board? I hadn't and it is the name of a common playground item,the teeter-totter/see-saw. In the eastern states of the US,Narragansett Bay,RI. it is called a dandle,or dandle board,in neighboring Massachusetts they are called teedle boards. Heading south from there,the name changes again to ridey-horse,and it the coastal regions of North Carolina it becomes hickey-horse. There are more names for this basic lever and fulcrum toy as you enter other countries,in France it is ci-ca,meaning this-that. The name teeter totter originated from Norfolk,England from the word tittermatorter. All these different terms for such a seemingly simple device,any wonder people have such a difficult time getting on the same page. Let's not even think about monkey bars or jungle gyms!

Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
It's Alive!...Maybe
Nearly a year ago a team of over a dozen experts (scientists and yeti enthusiasts) from around the world proclaimed themselves 95% certain of the existence of Bigfoot. This was agreed on after a daylong conference in the town of Tashtagol about 2,000 miles east of Moscow. I was a little shocked to hear of their agreement to the existence of the yeti,after all the years of carefully examining photos and film and deciding all that evidence was a hoax. Apparently the weekend before the conference a two day expedition to Azassky cave and Karatag peak had collected irrefutable evidence. The artifacts that convinced them were several hairs found in tracks,footprints and a presumed bed. I am still confused,as these same things have been offered as proof in the past,so personally I am still undecided and will more than likely remain that way until DNA proof is found to be solid.

Friday, September 28, 2012
Swimming with the Fishes
The pacu is a fish that can get as big as 55 pounds. They were originally from South America but have been turning up in lakes around the U.S. It is suspected that they were purchased as aquarium fish and then released when they outgrew their tanks.
In Papua New Guinea pacu were released in an attempt to boost fisheries. Their primary diet consists of nuts (not the testicle kind!),aquatic vegetation and snails. The pacu is also known as the "ball cutter" from repeated attacks where it has bitten the testicles off fisherman with its human like teeth.
My first thought was what were the fisherman doing with their pants off,but since nudity was never mentioned I assume they were clothed. The pacu could be a possible alternative for those men who hesitate to have a vasectomy!

In Papua New Guinea pacu were released in an attempt to boost fisheries. Their primary diet consists of nuts (not the testicle kind!),aquatic vegetation and snails. The pacu is also known as the "ball cutter" from repeated attacks where it has bitten the testicles off fisherman with its human like teeth.
My first thought was what were the fisherman doing with their pants off,but since nudity was never mentioned I assume they were clothed. The pacu could be a possible alternative for those men who hesitate to have a vasectomy!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Stand Tall
I have always had respect for chiropractors and their approach to healing,using natural remedies instead of poisoning the body with chemicals. After finding out how they cleverly solved their licensing dilemma and legitimized their place in the medical community my respect has grown as it was quite ingenious.
At a chiropractors convention in Chicago,May 1956 they held a beauty contest. It wasn't an ordinary pageant,the contestants were not only judged by their apparent beauty,but also their posture and X-rays. Each girl also had to stand on a pair of scales,one foot on each scale. The winning trio registered exactly half her weight on each scale,confirming the correct standing posture. Posture contests date to the 1920's but became popular in the 50's and 60's.

At a chiropractors convention in Chicago,May 1956 they held a beauty contest. It wasn't an ordinary pageant,the contestants were not only judged by their apparent beauty,but also their posture and X-rays. Each girl also had to stand on a pair of scales,one foot on each scale. The winning trio registered exactly half her weight on each scale,confirming the correct standing posture. Posture contests date to the 1920's but became popular in the 50's and 60's.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I'll Drink to That
There is more than one story about how the margarita got its name,but this is the one I favor. Carlos Herrera was born in Mexico City in the early 1900's. He worked his way across Mexico and settled just south of Tijuana. Carlos and his wife built a house and eventually added a bar to entertain friends. More and more people dropped in so they decided to open a business and the business grew. The bar/restaurant got regular business from the Hollywood crowd when they headed south. Among the clientele was an actress named Marjorie King who had an unusual problem,she was allergic to all alcohol except tequila. Carlos told her she was in luck,tequila is the national drink of Mexico. He brought her a shot glass with limes and salt,but she told him she hated the taste.
Herrera took up the challenge to create a palatable concoction for the actress. He mixed 3 parts white tequila,2 parts triple sec,1 part fresh lime juice and a pinch of sugar. He then added crushed ice and shook the mixture. Carlos wanted a special presentation so he grabbed a champagne glass,dipped the rim in lemon juice then rubbed the rim in a plate of salt. He poured the mixture in and served it to the delighted Marjorie.
The next visit when Marjorie stopped in she was greeted by Carlos with a hearty Margarita! the Spanish equivalent of her name. The margarita had been born.
A picture of Marjorie from the 1920's
Herrera took up the challenge to create a palatable concoction for the actress. He mixed 3 parts white tequila,2 parts triple sec,1 part fresh lime juice and a pinch of sugar. He then added crushed ice and shook the mixture. Carlos wanted a special presentation so he grabbed a champagne glass,dipped the rim in lemon juice then rubbed the rim in a plate of salt. He poured the mixture in and served it to the delighted Marjorie.
The next visit when Marjorie stopped in she was greeted by Carlos with a hearty Margarita! the Spanish equivalent of her name. The margarita had been born.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
New Insult
Actually this is an old word,but since it is little used it can be put into service as a new insult!
The primary meaning of Grimalkin is an elderly female cat,but it also means an old bad tempered woman or crone. I came across the word in a book (imagine that!) and it has been used in literature since Shakespeare (Macbeth). It was also used by Henry Fielding (Tom Jones),Washington Irving,Emily Bronte,H.P. Lovecraft and other assorted authors. It may have first been used by William Baldwin (1570) in "Beware the Cat". The novel features the grimalkin as a talking cat.
There are a few alternate spellings,greymalkin,grimmalkin or grimolochin. The term stems from grey (the color) plus malkin,an archaic term for cat. Scottish legend makes reference to the grimalkin as a fairy cat that dwells in the highlands.

The primary meaning of Grimalkin is an elderly female cat,but it also means an old bad tempered woman or crone. I came across the word in a book (imagine that!) and it has been used in literature since Shakespeare (Macbeth). It was also used by Henry Fielding (Tom Jones),Washington Irving,Emily Bronte,H.P. Lovecraft and other assorted authors. It may have first been used by William Baldwin (1570) in "Beware the Cat". The novel features the grimalkin as a talking cat.
There are a few alternate spellings,greymalkin,grimmalkin or grimolochin. The term stems from grey (the color) plus malkin,an archaic term for cat. Scottish legend makes reference to the grimalkin as a fairy cat that dwells in the highlands.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Myth or Majic?
A few nights ago I fell asleep with the TV on and when I woke up a show was on about Majestic 12 aka MJ-12 or Majic 12. At first I thought maybe it was just another of my many bizarre dreams,but I made a mental note to check it out. I have spent a couple of days looking through several sites and still don't know what to think. I will provide a basic outline of the information so that those of you who wish to further pursue this will know what I am talking about.
Roswell,New Mexico is known for the alleged crash of a UFO in 1947,Harry Truman was president at that time and according to what I have read authorized a committee of 12 people to be formed to look into the crash and deal with related issues as they occurred. They were to report only to the president.
It seemed to me to be a split decision on those who believed this whole scenario and those who thought it was a hoax. If anyone knows anymore on this or finds something concrete I would love to hear about it,of course I guess everyone would really like to know one way or another if there are other life forms that have come to call.
Roswell,New Mexico is known for the alleged crash of a UFO in 1947,Harry Truman was president at that time and according to what I have read authorized a committee of 12 people to be formed to look into the crash and deal with related issues as they occurred. They were to report only to the president.
It seemed to me to be a split decision on those who believed this whole scenario and those who thought it was a hoax. If anyone knows anymore on this or finds something concrete I would love to hear about it,of course I guess everyone would really like to know one way or another if there are other life forms that have come to call.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Party Punches
If you think this blog is going to contain actual recipes for punch,quit reading here!
What the topic for today's blog is chad,chad refers to the paper pieces made when holes are punched in paper or any other material a hole can be punched in. Chad can be used as both a mass noun (box of chad) or as a countable noun (chads from punched cards). For those of you that followed the Florida voting fiasco in the 2000 presidential election you may already be familiar with chad. When one or more corners remain attached to the card (hanging chad,dimpled chad or pregnant chad) the cards could not be read by the tabulation machines.
Chad have been around long before they achieved their fame from that election. A 1930 patent included a chad box to collect the pieces from telegraph tape. Some of you may also be familiar with hand punches,which are still in use today for mainly decorative purposes.
Okay,now comes the part where I tie in the title "Party Punches"... chad can also be used as confetti,though only round chad should be used for this purpose,as the rectangular chad has sharp corners and could possibly result in eye injury.

What the topic for today's blog is chad,chad refers to the paper pieces made when holes are punched in paper or any other material a hole can be punched in. Chad can be used as both a mass noun (box of chad) or as a countable noun (chads from punched cards). For those of you that followed the Florida voting fiasco in the 2000 presidential election you may already be familiar with chad. When one or more corners remain attached to the card (hanging chad,dimpled chad or pregnant chad) the cards could not be read by the tabulation machines.
Chad have been around long before they achieved their fame from that election. A 1930 patent included a chad box to collect the pieces from telegraph tape. Some of you may also be familiar with hand punches,which are still in use today for mainly decorative purposes.
Okay,now comes the part where I tie in the title "Party Punches"... chad can also be used as confetti,though only round chad should be used for this purpose,as the rectangular chad has sharp corners and could possibly result in eye injury.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
This morning marked the Autumnal Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere. The equinoxes are the only two times during the year when the sun rises due east and sets due west,the equinoxes are also the only days of the year that a person standing on the equator can see the sun pass directly overhead. On the Northern Hemisphere's Autumnal Equinox a person at the North Pole would see the sun skimming across the horizon,signaling the start of six months of darkness,on the same day at the South Pole this signals the beginning of six months uninterrupted daylight. At the equinox there is supposed to be 12 hours of light and darkness,but the sun is not a single point of light and the Earth's atmosphere make the hours of light and darkness variable so it is hard to determine the exact day or days there will be equal hours of light and darkness.
I don't think I would like living in a place where there was either light or dark for 24hours. I value the seasons as they make you appreciate the differences,but I must admit to feeling a little down this time of year with what I think of as the "long dark" just around the corner...but not to worry,I will get over it in a few months!

I don't think I would like living in a place where there was either light or dark for 24hours. I value the seasons as they make you appreciate the differences,but I must admit to feeling a little down this time of year with what I think of as the "long dark" just around the corner...but not to worry,I will get over it in a few months!
Friday, September 21, 2012
A Word on Holders
Have you ever wondered what to call the holder for cups of coffee from a fast food restaurant or espresso shop? It is called a zarf,I believe the word can also be used for your vehicle's beverage holders.
Originally zarfs were made to hold the small coffee cup without a handle known as demitasse or fincan. The serving of coffee in Turkey around the 13th century was a complex ritual that the zarf played a part in. The small cups were placed in zarfs to protect the hands of the drinker from the hot liquid. They were often quite ornamental and made from a variety of materials,silver,gold,copper,brass,ivory,ebony,hardwoods,bone,and tortoiseshell. Some were also engraved or set with gems or precious stones.
I have no idea where I came across the word zarf,it was just on one of my many note pads that I make notes on things that I want to check into when I get a second. It was my handwriting but I haven't a clue where I heard or seen the word. Life is just one mystery after another!
Originally zarfs were made to hold the small coffee cup without a handle known as demitasse or fincan. The serving of coffee in Turkey around the 13th century was a complex ritual that the zarf played a part in. The small cups were placed in zarfs to protect the hands of the drinker from the hot liquid. They were often quite ornamental and made from a variety of materials,silver,gold,copper,brass,ivory,ebony,hardwoods,bone,and tortoiseshell. Some were also engraved or set with gems or precious stones.
I have no idea where I came across the word zarf,it was just on one of my many note pads that I make notes on things that I want to check into when I get a second. It was my handwriting but I haven't a clue where I heard or seen the word. Life is just one mystery after another!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Early Cell Phone User
This week on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" celebrities are playing and donating their winnings to the Alzheimer's Foundation. Today there was a question about a 1928 Charlie Chaplin film (The Circus) asking what device a time traveler could be seen using. The answer was a cell phone,so of course I had to see the video with my own eyes. I admit it looks like a woman talking on a cell phone,but who would she be talking to? two cell phone users in 1928? Since it was an Irish filmmaker that published the behind the scenes footage,I have my doubts.http://youtu.be/TiIrpEMbQ2M I have provided the link for those of you that want to check it out.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Products Good for a few Laughs
Some of these are surprising when you find out what purpose they were originally intended for,and others were invented and no one could figure out a use for them.
When Lysol first came out in the 1920's it was marketed as a feminine hygiene product and a form of birth control. It was the leading form of female birth control from 1930-1960. The ads sited European doctors that were completely made up. Today the labels read "Do not spray on skin". Lysol's marketing team went on to promote Chesterfield cigarettes and the Ford Pinto.
Bubble wrap was one of those inventions that they weren't quite sure what to do with,but was eventually used as wallpaper,that obviously didn't work out as everyone would stay home popping their walls.
Aluminum foil was invented in 1903,but nobody figured out you could wrap food in it for two decades.
Play-Doh was invented as a nameless wallpaper cleaning compound (though I don't think it was used on the bubble wrap wallpaper!)

When Lysol first came out in the 1920's it was marketed as a feminine hygiene product and a form of birth control. It was the leading form of female birth control from 1930-1960. The ads sited European doctors that were completely made up. Today the labels read "Do not spray on skin". Lysol's marketing team went on to promote Chesterfield cigarettes and the Ford Pinto.
Bubble wrap was one of those inventions that they weren't quite sure what to do with,but was eventually used as wallpaper,that obviously didn't work out as everyone would stay home popping their walls.
Aluminum foil was invented in 1903,but nobody figured out you could wrap food in it for two decades.
Play-Doh was invented as a nameless wallpaper cleaning compound (though I don't think it was used on the bubble wrap wallpaper!)
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Speaking of Lunar Landings
The Turkish region of Cappadocia is a landscape of sharp cones,cave houses and lava and erosion formed rocks. Underground cities and churches were built by Christians who hid to avoid persecution. The crater filled setting is often compared to the surface of the moon. Hot air balloons are one of the most popular ways to tour the area,and cave hotels are the specialty of the region.
Since I still haven't gotten around to a hot air balloon ride,this might be a potential place to go for one!

Since I still haven't gotten around to a hot air balloon ride,this might be a potential place to go for one!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Bad Rap
I have been having another one of those things that just keep popping up frequently in my life for the last couple of weeks...Buzz Aldrin. The first time was when I learned from trivia that his mother's maiden name was Marion Moon. She killed herself shortly before the lunar mission because she didn't think she could handle her son's fame. The second Buzz appearance was also trivia related,I found out he had recorded a rap song under the name Doc Rendezvous titled Rocket Experience. After further checking I discovered he had struggled with depression and alcoholism plus two failed marriages. His first marriage of 21 years broke up soon after his Apollo 11 flight,his second hasty marriage ended within 2 years. 8 years after returning from the Moon he was working at a Cadillac dealership in Beverly Hills,CA. He stopped drinking in 1978 and has remained sober. The Buzz Lightyear character in Toy Story was named for him, though he (Aldrin) never received any royalties. He also wrote a book about his space mission. Now you know what he has been doing since making history in 1969.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Past Lives
Today's blog has been on the back burner for a few days. I had heard that Steve Jobs, of Apple Computer fame, had at one time worked at a mall where he dressed up as different characters from "Alice in Wonderland". I am not much into pop culture but I still thought it might be a kick to see what some other people did before achieving their fame.
Matthew McConaughey-Cleaned chicken coops.
Robin Williams-Worked as a street mime. (seems like he used to do a comedy routine about mimes)
Madonna-Worked at Dunkin Donuts
Amy Adams-Worked at Hooters
Sylvester Stallone-Worked as a lion tamer.
Eva Mendes-Sold hot dogs at a mall.
Danny Devito-Used to cut hair.
Harrison Ford-Worked as a carpenter.
Patrick Dempsey-A successful juggler,he once competed in a national competition and tied for second place.
Ozzy Osbourne-Worked in a slaughterhouse.
Hugh Jackman-Was a clown.
Ray Romano-Worked as a bank teller.
Orlando Bloom-Clay trapper at a pigeon shooting range.
Alec Baldwin-Worked as a bouncer.
Tim Allen-Served two years in prison for selling cocaine.
Whoopie Goldberg-Put makeup on corpse at a mortuary.
Sean Connery-Worked as a milkman.
Christopher Walken-Was a lion tamer at a circus.
Johnny Depp-Sold pens by phone.
Rod Stewart-Worked as a gravedigger.
Brad Pitt-Danced around in a chicken suit for a fast food restaurant.
Matthew McConaughey-Cleaned chicken coops.
Robin Williams-Worked as a street mime. (seems like he used to do a comedy routine about mimes)
Madonna-Worked at Dunkin Donuts
Amy Adams-Worked at Hooters
Sylvester Stallone-Worked as a lion tamer.
Eva Mendes-Sold hot dogs at a mall.
Danny Devito-Used to cut hair.
Harrison Ford-Worked as a carpenter.
Patrick Dempsey-A successful juggler,he once competed in a national competition and tied for second place.
Ozzy Osbourne-Worked in a slaughterhouse.
Hugh Jackman-Was a clown.
Ray Romano-Worked as a bank teller.
Orlando Bloom-Clay trapper at a pigeon shooting range.
Alec Baldwin-Worked as a bouncer.
Tim Allen-Served two years in prison for selling cocaine.
Whoopie Goldberg-Put makeup on corpse at a mortuary.
Sean Connery-Worked as a milkman.
Christopher Walken-Was a lion tamer at a circus.
Johnny Depp-Sold pens by phone.
Rod Stewart-Worked as a gravedigger.
Brad Pitt-Danced around in a chicken suit for a fast food restaurant.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Invisibility Made Easy
Opal is the birthstone for the month I was born,and I never noticed myself being invisible when I wear opals...but then again how would a person notice? I have heard that it is bad luck for a person to wear opal if it isn't their birthstone,but I have also heard amethyst prevents drunkenness,and I know that isn't true! No need to mess with Harry Potter's invisibility cloak and all that bothersome keeping covered by it all you need is to wear opals.
Through the ages opals have been credited with magical properties. It was thought to enhance psychic abilities,gift the bearer with acute sight,but cloud the eyes of others,this is also the basis for the opal supplying invisibility to the bearer. Opals were also thought to have teleportation powers. A piece of opal jewelry might suddenly disappear only to turn up weeks or months later (this happens to me on a regular basis with items totally unrelated to opals).
I would have loved to have visited an opal mine when I traveled to Australia,unfortunately time was short. I did visit several jewelry stores in Sydney as was amazed at the variety.

Through the ages opals have been credited with magical properties. It was thought to enhance psychic abilities,gift the bearer with acute sight,but cloud the eyes of others,this is also the basis for the opal supplying invisibility to the bearer. Opals were also thought to have teleportation powers. A piece of opal jewelry might suddenly disappear only to turn up weeks or months later (this happens to me on a regular basis with items totally unrelated to opals).
I would have loved to have visited an opal mine when I traveled to Australia,unfortunately time was short. I did visit several jewelry stores in Sydney as was amazed at the variety.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Pony Up
Believed to be descendants of horses that walked onto Britain before it was an island the Exmoor pony is the oldest and purest British native pony. Evidence of the ponies existence date back over 60,000 years.
The Exmoor is suited to survival in cold,wet climate without food or shelter provided by man. Unique features are their hooded eyes aka toad eyes to protect their eyes from wind and rain,and the snow chute or ice tail which is short coarse hairs at the top of the tail to channel rain and snow away from the body. They are always brown with black points with a mealy or buff colored ring around the eyes and muzzle. They are a rare if not endangered breed with only 800 ponies globally,and only 300 adult breeding mares.
I have been meaning to mention that the Russian readers number nearly as many and on some days more than the US readers,and I thank you for your continued interest. Thank all of you readers worldwide!

The Exmoor is suited to survival in cold,wet climate without food or shelter provided by man. Unique features are their hooded eyes aka toad eyes to protect their eyes from wind and rain,and the snow chute or ice tail which is short coarse hairs at the top of the tail to channel rain and snow away from the body. They are always brown with black points with a mealy or buff colored ring around the eyes and muzzle. They are a rare if not endangered breed with only 800 ponies globally,and only 300 adult breeding mares.
I have been meaning to mention that the Russian readers number nearly as many and on some days more than the US readers,and I thank you for your continued interest. Thank all of you readers worldwide!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Monkey Business
Today's blog comes from something I read about in a book that turned out to be based on facts and seemed odd enough to put out there.
In 1973 Charles River Laboratories (a subsidiary of Bausch & Lomb) bought Loggerhead Key in the Florida Keys. They renamed it LOIS Key (Laboratory Observing Island Simians) and released 1,500 rhesus monkeys on the 100 acre key (at this point I want to say"There is no wrong way to eat a rhesus"...oh,wait that is Reeses!) The animals are used for biomedical research by pharmaceutical firms and government agencies for testing vaccines and drugs. Then things really went dramatically downhill. The monkeys were brought fresh water and a half ton of Purina monkey chow daily,but whether from boredom or maybe an acquired taste they systematically ate all of the red mangroves which are protected in Florida and vital to the eco-system. They had also overlooked another factor,that the feces would cloud the water and perhaps kill the coral reef. As I understand it the courts decided that the monkeys had to be rounded up within the next 20 years (starting in 1991?) and the key was given to the state,which since it was pretty much a barren wasteland wasn't much of a gift.
In 1973 Charles River Laboratories (a subsidiary of Bausch & Lomb) bought Loggerhead Key in the Florida Keys. They renamed it LOIS Key (Laboratory Observing Island Simians) and released 1,500 rhesus monkeys on the 100 acre key (at this point I want to say"There is no wrong way to eat a rhesus"...oh,wait that is Reeses!) The animals are used for biomedical research by pharmaceutical firms and government agencies for testing vaccines and drugs. Then things really went dramatically downhill. The monkeys were brought fresh water and a half ton of Purina monkey chow daily,but whether from boredom or maybe an acquired taste they systematically ate all of the red mangroves which are protected in Florida and vital to the eco-system. They had also overlooked another factor,that the feces would cloud the water and perhaps kill the coral reef. As I understand it the courts decided that the monkeys had to be rounded up within the next 20 years (starting in 1991?) and the key was given to the state,which since it was pretty much a barren wasteland wasn't much of a gift.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Proper Forms of Greeting
This is just a little something I stumbled across and couldn't really find out if it was fact or fiction,but thought it was interesting in a rather strange way.
The Walibri tribe of Australia when greeting each other shake penises,now nothing mentioned whether they shook each others or shook their own at the person they were meeting and a few sites said genitals which I took to mean it was possibly their testicles instead of penises that were used in greeting. Either way you look at it gives a whole new meaning to a firm grip!
The Walibri tribe of Australia when greeting each other shake penises,now nothing mentioned whether they shook each others or shook their own at the person they were meeting and a few sites said genitals which I took to mean it was possibly their testicles instead of penises that were used in greeting. Either way you look at it gives a whole new meaning to a firm grip!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
An Even Bigger Mess
Often times the subjects of my blogs end up being about something that just keeping turning up in my life. This time it is the bunkers that were built for all the "important" people during the cold war. Bunkers have came up in two of the last three books I have read and none are by the same authors or about the same subjects,plus it seems like I recently watched a movie with something relating to a bunker in it. With that said I will get on with what the repeated doses of bunkers made me think about.
I don't imagine all of you readers are old enough to remember the cold war,but it was a frightening time and unless you were a politicians child or a politician you could pretty much kiss your butt good-bye if the button got pushed and started WWIII. And as long as you were down there kissing your butt good-bye you could go ahead and crawl under your desk and close your eyes,because that is what we were taught to do in case the worst happened. Of course a school kid's desk and closing your eyes were an exercise in futility and neither were likely to do much good,but I don't suppose they expected anyone to live to complain about it. But none of that is the really scary part...looking back on it now as an adult what scares me worse than those scenarios is the thought of the people that potentially would have survived and therefore been the ones to repopulate the world,yes that's right imagine the utter chaos if only the world leaders,and "important" people were left to not only reproduce but then raise those children. Would they learn any values? or life skills? and if so who would they learn those from? I hope I can get this off my mind now that I have put it out there,it is enough to give me nightmares and I have plenty of those without thinking of things past.
I don't imagine all of you readers are old enough to remember the cold war,but it was a frightening time and unless you were a politicians child or a politician you could pretty much kiss your butt good-bye if the button got pushed and started WWIII. And as long as you were down there kissing your butt good-bye you could go ahead and crawl under your desk and close your eyes,because that is what we were taught to do in case the worst happened. Of course a school kid's desk and closing your eyes were an exercise in futility and neither were likely to do much good,but I don't suppose they expected anyone to live to complain about it. But none of that is the really scary part...looking back on it now as an adult what scares me worse than those scenarios is the thought of the people that potentially would have survived and therefore been the ones to repopulate the world,yes that's right imagine the utter chaos if only the world leaders,and "important" people were left to not only reproduce but then raise those children. Would they learn any values? or life skills? and if so who would they learn those from? I hope I can get this off my mind now that I have put it out there,it is enough to give me nightmares and I have plenty of those without thinking of things past.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Color My World
A simple explanation of tetrachromacy is the opposite of color blindness. It is fairly common in birds,insects and some fish but much more rare in humans,and almost exclusively found in females. A tetrachromat when looking at a rainbow will see hundreds of distinct colors rather than the six to eight most people see. Most people have three types of cone cells (trichromats) with the color blind (dichromats) the number of cone cells are more limited,perceiving only blue and red or blue and green. Tetrachromats are believed to be able to see thousands if not millions of different color shades and to differentiate between subtle tones. Some tetrachromats may also be able to see ultra-violet and infrared,like insects and fish. There are some doubting biologists that don't believe the existence of tetrachromacy,and those who do concede it is exceedingly rare with as few as 0.25% of the population having the ability. Others suggest it is a somewhat common mutation,and that 2-3% of women possess it,but no men.

Sunday, September 9, 2012
Your Two Cents Worth
A little known fact about the Great Seal of the US is that it was revised in 1885 by none other than Tiffany&Co. The seal is all about symbolism,the front of the seal is used as the national coat of arms and can be seen on currency and the US passports. The reverse side of the seal is also seen on the back of the $1 bill. The shield (flag like area covering the body of the eagle) differs from the US flag as it has no stars and the outermost stripes are white not red. The eagle holds 13 arrows in its left talon (13 original states) and an olive branch in its right,together they symbolize "a strong desire for peace,but will always be ready for war". The olive branch has 13 leaves and 13 olives,the eagles head is turned toward the olive branch to indicate a preference for peace.

Saturday, September 8, 2012
When Seconds Count
Goldfish have a memory span of at least three months and can distinguish between shapes,colors and sounds. Pretty amazing to imagine these characteristics in a fish,especially since it was once believed that their memory was a mere three seconds . By using positive reinforcement goldfish can be trained to recognize and react to light signals of different colors or to perform tricks. Behavior can vary widely because of their environment and can be conditioned by their owners. Goldfish have strong learning abilities and social learning skills. Their visual acuity enables them to distinguish between individual humans. After being in a location the provides them with constant visual contact and some time to adapt a goldfish will take food from its owners hand. Since they are social animals they tend to thrive with more of their own variety in the tank,but it is important to not mix varieties as the fancy types don't swim as well and may not get adequate food if kept with the common variety goldfish.

Friday, September 7, 2012
Call Me Ignorant,but...
I may be the only one on the planet to not have had this knowledge until today,but if not now you will know too.
My earliest thoughts on fireweed were introduced to me by my mother. She told me it was called fireweed because of its color,it is entirely possible that I had already asked too many questions that day and that was the first answer that came to her mind. After reading the "Earth's Children" series of books I decided that fireweed must be the plant that they collected the fluff from for tinder to start their fires,and it may have been. I still hadn't thought to actually look it up at any time I was near the computer...until today. The east wind is blowing today and the fireweed plants at the dead end of my block were creating a fluff storm (similar in appearance to a snow storm). Prompted by the sight of all that fluff blowing around I sat down to finally find the truth about fireweed.
Fireweed derives its name from its tendency to quickly colonize burn sites after forest fires. Plants continue to grow and flower as long as there is open space and light,as trees and brush grow the plants die out,but the seeds remain viable for many years until a new fire of disturbance opens the ground up to light and the seeds germinate again. In different cultures the fireweed has diverse uses,from herbal remedies,teas,to even candies and honey.

My earliest thoughts on fireweed were introduced to me by my mother. She told me it was called fireweed because of its color,it is entirely possible that I had already asked too many questions that day and that was the first answer that came to her mind. After reading the "Earth's Children" series of books I decided that fireweed must be the plant that they collected the fluff from for tinder to start their fires,and it may have been. I still hadn't thought to actually look it up at any time I was near the computer...until today. The east wind is blowing today and the fireweed plants at the dead end of my block were creating a fluff storm (similar in appearance to a snow storm). Prompted by the sight of all that fluff blowing around I sat down to finally find the truth about fireweed.
Fireweed derives its name from its tendency to quickly colonize burn sites after forest fires. Plants continue to grow and flower as long as there is open space and light,as trees and brush grow the plants die out,but the seeds remain viable for many years until a new fire of disturbance opens the ground up to light and the seeds germinate again. In different cultures the fireweed has diverse uses,from herbal remedies,teas,to even candies and honey.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
More Curiosities
Curious George is a children's book series where George the monkey is always getting into tight spots and his friend "the Man with the Yellow Hat" comes to his aid. In real life it was a different story,the authors a German born Jewish couple (Hans and Margret Rey) were trying to stay one step ahead of the Nazis. The fled their adopted hometown of Paris to the countryside but word quickly spread of the German-accented strangers and the authorities showed up to question them. Hans assured them that they were working on a children's book and showed them sketches. The Reys' realized that it would be best to flee the continent and begin the paperwork. To fund their escape they sold the manuscript for "Fifi" (George's original name),this was the second time George/Fifi bailed them out. Hans purchase bicycle parts and managed to cobble together two bikes. They left Paris on the morning of June 12,1940 with nothing but bread,cheese,water and five of their manuscripts. Two days later the Nazis captured the city. Eventually they boarded a train bound for Spain and George/Fifi rescued them for the third time when officials suspected them of smuggling secrets,Hans once again produced the manuscript. Four months later they finally made it to their new home in New York. After just a few weeks they were offered a four book contract. The published suggested that Fifi's name be changed to something more masculine,and at last George was born.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
An Early Recycling Effort
I couldn't find a lot of information on this place but it is so unusual I wanted to include it in my daily mental wanderings.
The paper house was built by Elis F. Stenman in 1922. Stenman was a mechanical engineer who designed the machines that make paper clips. He began building the Rockport,MA summer house as a hobby. The paper was meant to supply insulation. Eventually he furnished the house with furniture also made of paper. The old newspaper was varnished which not only protected the paper but made it appear glossy. In some areas the varnish has worn away allowing you to read some of the newspapers.

The paper house was built by Elis F. Stenman in 1922. Stenman was a mechanical engineer who designed the machines that make paper clips. He began building the Rockport,MA summer house as a hobby. The paper was meant to supply insulation. Eventually he furnished the house with furniture also made of paper. The old newspaper was varnished which not only protected the paper but made it appear glossy. In some areas the varnish has worn away allowing you to read some of the newspapers.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
M&M's candies got their name from the last initial of their inventor,Frank Mars (of Snickers fame) and Bruce Murrie (son of a Hershey executive). The new candy went into production in 1941 in Newark,NJ. Originally there were five colors and they were packaged in a cardboard tube. During the war only the military was allowed M&M's. After the war the public fell in love with M&M's and in 1948 the packaging became the classic brown bag. In 1950 the first black M was printed on the candies. The M was changed to white in 1954. Peanut M&M's were introduced in 1954 but only in tan,other colors were not added until 1960. 1954 also brought the television debut and the famous "melts in your mouth,not in your hand" tagline. In 1976 red M&M's were taken out of the line-up due to consumer concerns that the dye contained a carcinogen,even though they didn't contain that type of dye. In 1980 M&M's were introduced internationally. In 1982 the candy was sent into space for the first time. Today there are several additional varieties of M&M's available in various colors and flavors.

Monday, September 3, 2012
Who Said That?
Whoever said there are no stupid questions,only stupid people must have been the latter. Here are a few examples:
If people from Poland are called Poles why aren't people from Holland called Holes?
If love is blind,why is lingerie so popular?
When cheese has its picture taken,what does it say?
This next one I have wondered about myself,so I don't know what that says about me.
Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?
If it's true that we are here to help others,then what exactly are others here for?
If 4 out of 5 people suffer from diarrhea does that mean the 5th one enjoys it?
If man evolved from monkeys and apes,why do we still have monkeys and apes?
If a synchronized swimmer drowns,do the rest drown too?
If you try to fail and succeed,which have you done?
Why is a square meal served on round plates?
If Mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes?
Why is Charlie short for Charles if they both have the same number of letters?
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Can you cry underwater?
If a deaf person goes to court,is it still called a hearing?
If people from Poland are called Poles why aren't people from Holland called Holes?
If love is blind,why is lingerie so popular?
When cheese has its picture taken,what does it say?
This next one I have wondered about myself,so I don't know what that says about me.
Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?
If it's true that we are here to help others,then what exactly are others here for?
If 4 out of 5 people suffer from diarrhea does that mean the 5th one enjoys it?
If man evolved from monkeys and apes,why do we still have monkeys and apes?
If a synchronized swimmer drowns,do the rest drown too?
If you try to fail and succeed,which have you done?
Why is a square meal served on round plates?
If Mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes?
Why is Charlie short for Charles if they both have the same number of letters?
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Can you cry underwater?
If a deaf person goes to court,is it still called a hearing?
Sunday, September 2, 2012
When Life Gives You Lemons
Today's blog is a little different from my usual in that it is neither esoteric information,nor humorous,but after reading it and further checking with the snopes link below I thought it might be just the information that someone could use. I know I will be picking lemons up on my next shopping trip.
Many professionals in restaurants and eateries are using or
consuming the entire lemon and nothing is wasted.How can you use the whole lemon without waste?
Simple..place the lemon in the freezer section of your refrigerator. Once the lemon is frozen, get your grater, and shred the whole lemon (no need to peel it) and sprinkle it on top of your foods.
Sprinkle it to your whisky, wine, vegetable salad, ice cream, soup, noodles, spaghetti sauce, rice, sushi, fish dishes. All of the foods will unexpectedly have a wonderful taste, something that you may have never tasted before. Most likely, you only think of lemon juice and vitamin C. Not anymore. Now that you've learned this lemon secret, you can use lemon even in instant cup noodles.
What's the major advantage of using the whole lemon other than preventing waste and adding new taste to your dishes?Well, you see lemon peels contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself. And yes, that's what you've been wasting. But from now on, by following this simple procedure of freezing the whole lemon, then grating it on top of your dishes, you can consume all of those nutrients and get even healthier.
It's also good that lemon peels are health rejuvenating in eradicating toxic elements in the body.So place your lemon in your freezer, and then grate it on your meal every day. It is a key to make your foods tastier and you get to live healthier and longer! That's the lemon secret!
Better late than NEVER!
The surprising benefits of lemon!
Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant,combats stress and nervous disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ...The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
What's Up?
It is the start of a new month,feel free to print this list out and customize it to suit your own purposes...or is that porpoises?
1. Emma M. Nutt Day (first woman telephone operator)
2. National Beheading Day (for some reason I wanted to say Bedhead?)
3. Skyscraper Day
4. Newspaper Carrier Day
5. Be Late for Something Day
6. Fight Procrastination Day (sounds like work!)
7. Neither Rain nor Snow Day
8. Pardon Day
9. Teddy Bear Day
10. Swap Ideas Day (better than swapping spit?...you decide)
11. No News is Good News Day
12. National Pet Memorial Day
13. Defy Superstition Day
14. National Cream-filled Donut Day
15. Felt Hat Day
17. National Apple Dumpling Day
18. National Play-doh Day
19. National Butterscotch Pudding Day
20. National Punch Day (not sure if this means hitting someone or a beverage?)
21. International Banana Festival
22. Dear Diary Day (or for those with mild dyslexia Dear Dairy Day)
23. Dogs in Politics Day
24. Festival of Latest Novelties
25. National Comic Book Day
26. National Good Neighbor Day
27. Crush a Can Day
28. Ask a Stupid Question Day
29. Poisoned Blackberries Day
30. National Mud Pack Day
If you haven't done it already flip your calendar!
1. Emma M. Nutt Day (first woman telephone operator)
2. National Beheading Day (for some reason I wanted to say Bedhead?)
3. Skyscraper Day
4. Newspaper Carrier Day
5. Be Late for Something Day
6. Fight Procrastination Day (sounds like work!)
7. Neither Rain nor Snow Day
8. Pardon Day
9. Teddy Bear Day
10. Swap Ideas Day (better than swapping spit?...you decide)
11. No News is Good News Day
12. National Pet Memorial Day
13. Defy Superstition Day
14. National Cream-filled Donut Day
15. Felt Hat Day
17. National Apple Dumpling Day
18. National Play-doh Day
19. National Butterscotch Pudding Day
20. National Punch Day (not sure if this means hitting someone or a beverage?)
21. International Banana Festival
22. Dear Diary Day (or for those with mild dyslexia Dear Dairy Day)
23. Dogs in Politics Day
24. Festival of Latest Novelties
25. National Comic Book Day
26. National Good Neighbor Day
27. Crush a Can Day
28. Ask a Stupid Question Day
29. Poisoned Blackberries Day
30. National Mud Pack Day
If you haven't done it already flip your calendar!
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