I'm not sure where I stand on this,but I guess if researchers think it exists who am I to argue? I am talking about CCD or canine compulsive disorder. Even though technically dogs can't obsess as we humans think of it, they claim one in fifty dogs display symptoms of CCD. Now here comes the tricky part...indications of obsessive behavior include,chasing their tail,licking one spot,or barking in a monotone for hours on end when there is nothing to bark about,but it only becomes obsessive when it offers relief from their anxiety and stress,then becomes a repetitive pattern. Well meaning owners often add to the problem by bringing undo attention to it. It is best to consult a vet to rule out medical reasons before looking for further help which sometimes includes the same type of medications used on humans with OCD.

Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Survival of the Fittest
The Darwin Awards (started in 1985) are dedicated to people who improve the gene pool by sacrificing themselves in the most idiotic of actions. Men really are stupider than women as they account for 90% of people who died in foolish ways. For example: a man decided to hitch a ride by attaching a shopping cart to the back of a train...he was dragged to death. A wannabe terrorist blew himself up when he opened his own letter bomb...it was returned for insufficient postage. The list goes on and I will revisit it in the future so keep watching and try not to make the list!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
In Honor of Cecil
The least I can do to give Cecil the lion his deserved recognition is write a post in his honor. Thirteen year old Cecil was a favorite of visitors and conservationists as he was known to them and seemed to enjoy human contact. I just happened across information on how to identify lions yesterday and thought it would be an appropriate tribute to Cecil. A lions whisker spots are unique,like a human's fingerprints or a giraffes spots. There are other identifiable characteristics on lions such as their manes,but only the whisker spots remain unchanged throughout their lives. Two rows of whiskers are used,the reference row and the identification spots,and those are different on each side of the lion's face. I will post the pictures for an example,and follow with a picture of Cecil. Why is it that someone like Cecil's murderer can't be one of the people to meet up with a crazy with a gun,or bow and arrow as Cecil did? If nothing else he may lose his livelihood since he is a very unpopular man right now.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Do You Feel Lucky?
Today's post is another trivia inspired offering,a commercial for Lucky Strike cigarettes that was either before my time,or before we had a TV. The character involved is an animated guy named Happy Joe Lucky,and yes cartoons were a popular way to advertise cigarettes in the 1950s. Happy Joe Lucky was often seen during commercial breaks on "The Jack Benny Show",in fact he even had a "live" appearance with singer Gisele MacKenzie that was compared to a Gene Kelly dance sequence. I am not sure if Lucky Strikes are still available in the US,from what I read they are available only in Europe now,but not the US. One last thing as long as I am talking about Lucky Strikes...Lucky Strike was also the name given to US Army tent cities,known as cigarette camps.

Monday, July 27, 2015
Supplemental Income
Before I get started with today's post I wanted to point out that it didn't take place in Florida! Monsignor Kevin Wallin (aka Monsignor Meth) was sentenced to 65 months in prison earlier this year. His crime? Running a meth distribution ring in Connecticut,where he also operated a sex shop to launder the drug profits (around $9,000 per week). Church officials noticed a change in his behavior and shortly after that he was caught cross-dressing and having sex in the rectory. Despite his unlawful acts the courtroom was packed with people wanting to testify about his charitable works and kind ways. Apparently he became addicted to his product and the rest was all downhill.

Sunday, July 26, 2015
Modern Parenting?
While you read today's post I want you to think about where this might have happened,feel free to let me know if you get it right.
The parents of 13 and 14 year old girls had been giving the girls marijuana and cocaine as incentives to attend school and do their chores around the house. The mother qualified the action saying she had only smoked pot with the girls five times,the father who was a bartender snorted cocaine with the girls an unknown number of times. The Mudds (yes,that really is their last name!) were arrested for child abuse,two counts for the mom (who worked in a pediatrician's office),and six counts for the dad. Now,ask yourself where do these crazy things usually happen?? If you guessed Florida you win!!

The parents of 13 and 14 year old girls had been giving the girls marijuana and cocaine as incentives to attend school and do their chores around the house. The mother qualified the action saying she had only smoked pot with the girls five times,the father who was a bartender snorted cocaine with the girls an unknown number of times. The Mudds (yes,that really is their last name!) were arrested for child abuse,two counts for the mom (who worked in a pediatrician's office),and six counts for the dad. Now,ask yourself where do these crazy things usually happen?? If you guessed Florida you win!!
Saturday, July 25, 2015
24 Million Addicts
Internet addiction is becoming a huge problem,in fact in China there are an estimated 25 million addicts and the disorder is known as "electronic heroin". They have even recognized it as a disease and have 250 boot camps to help the web junkies who are mostly children who are taken to the centers by there parents. In May of this year a 21 year old man went on a 14 day internet binge and finally collapsed outside the internet cafe. He told a cleaning lady that he wasn't feeling well and wanted to get some food,he couldn't stand on his own so she helped him to the door. Once he was outside he fell to the pavement but when the paramedics arrived the only help he wanted was to get back to a computer! I thought I used the computer more than I should,but I am still eating,sleeping and keeping clean so I have a long way to go before I will be needing help!

Friday, July 24, 2015
Have Your Cake...and Eat It Too?
Fruitcake seems to be one of those things that people either hate or love,at least that's been my experience so far. In my never ending trivia quest I came across the Fruitcake Capital of The World,but when I went to see what was to be said about Clayton,Georgia it turned out to be Claxton,GA,plus another location in Corsicana,Texas both claiming the dubious title of Fruitcake Capital. I'm with Johnny Carson on the belief that there are only a few fruitcakes and they are just regifted year after year,of course some folks might keep them for use as a doorstop. The one nagging question I had about fruitcakes was answered while perusing the available information...what the heck are the green things in fruitcake?? Turns out they are candied pineapple,of course there was no mention why they happen to be green since pineapples are a golden yellow. Speaking of fruitcake,they start making them in August for their upcoming holiday migration.

Thursday, July 23, 2015
Odd Diets
Since one of my cats is a chewer I wasn't too surprised when I read about a cat eating several shoelaces and hairbands then undergoing surgery to remove them. So far I think my cat just chews (and ruins) but doesn't ingest. Before I got him (around age 6) the previous owner mentioned he had chipped a tooth chewing on a spoon,what he didn't mention is it wasn't odd behavior for him to chew on un-cat like items. So far he has chewed 3 different computer cables plus the main cable coming up from the basement. I decided I would buy him cat chew toys and solve the problem,nope he won't touch them or any other acceptable chew items. Oh well,so far he hasn't needed surgery nor has he electrocuted himself...so far. Pictured below are x-rays of animal dietary no-nos.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
A Poke in the Eye
Both yesterday's post any today's have been products of being suddenly bombarded with the same theme from several angles,but yesterday's post was fun and today's is on the creepy side. I was idly wondering how they made the whites of the eyes blue for the movie "Dune" and thought it must have been something like a contact lens,which turns out to be mostly right. Next thing I know I am reading about eyeball tattooing which got started by a tattoo artist who was a "Dune" fan. Believe it or not the guy rounds up three people to have needles stuck in their eyes with no idea what will happen! No way would I sign up for that,I value my eyesight and would not put it at risk with an unknown procedure which,did I mention,is also permanent?? Opticians warn against it,but that hasn't stopped the trend from spreading,and of course prison inmates are getting in on the action and smuggling in makeshift supplies to tattoo their eyes. Oh well,I guess they were courting disaster before they decided to poke their own eyes out!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015
I came across some dog quotes today that I feel compelled to share.
You can say any foolish thing to a dog,and the dog will give you this look that says,"My God,you're right! I would never have thought of that!" (Dave Barry) Of course there are also dogs I have known that instead of looking at you with awe they seem to be saying,"I could do that". (Oregon Rainy Day Woman)
My dog is half Labrador,half pit bull. She bites off my leg and then brings it back to me. (Frank Carson)
Outside of a dog,a book is probably man's best friend;inside of a dog,it's too dark to read. (Groucho Marx)
I don't like big dogs. They always come and sniff you in the crotch. Little dogs are even worse because you have to kneel down for them to do it. (Bob Monkhouse)

You can say any foolish thing to a dog,and the dog will give you this look that says,"My God,you're right! I would never have thought of that!" (Dave Barry) Of course there are also dogs I have known that instead of looking at you with awe they seem to be saying,"I could do that". (Oregon Rainy Day Woman)
My dog is half Labrador,half pit bull. She bites off my leg and then brings it back to me. (Frank Carson)
Outside of a dog,a book is probably man's best friend;inside of a dog,it's too dark to read. (Groucho Marx)
I don't like big dogs. They always come and sniff you in the crotch. Little dogs are even worse because you have to kneel down for them to do it. (Bob Monkhouse)

Monday, July 20, 2015
Zero Means Zero
I'm not sure what to think of this whole production,other than something fishy is going on. An 11 year old gifted student in Virginia was suspended from school for a year because some other kids said he was showing off a marijuana leaf. As it turned out once the leaf was tested it was not marijuana,but the school rules state that anything that even resembles drugs or alcohol is cause for suspension. Is it me,or does that seem a little off? The student claimed he had no idea where the leaf came from. His parents are suing the school district because they claim this event has ruined his life,he has become withdrawn and is afraid he won't be able to get into college or get a job...since when does an 11 year old worry about college and jobs? Is it possible both sides are whacked?

Sunday, July 19, 2015
And There They Go!
The World Hen Racing Championship is held on the first Saturday in August at Barley Mow Inn,England and dates back at least 100 years. At last years event some changes were apparent. In the past the winners have been fairly random but last year many of the contestants had clearly been in training for the race. The chickens were urged on with the banging of pans,weird voices and pans of worms at the finish line. Out of the field of around 52 hens Road Runner was declared the winner by a photo finish. The organizers of the race called no fouls on the fowls and accepted the changes as a new era in hen racing.

Saturday, July 18, 2015
Wrong Day?
On the monthly planner for July I listed today as National Hot Dog Day,but most everywhere else I looked lists July 23rd. I apologize for the error but since it is Hot Dog Month I'm not going to get too excited over the faux pas.
Did you know there is a Hot Dog University? aka college of encased meat knowledge. The instructor is a 66 year old Ph.D (professor of hot dogs) who teaches a two day course for $699. He has been serving hot dogs since he was 8 years old and loved it so much he did it part time while working as a middle school and high school teacher. He started teaching Hot Dog University in 2006 and has had over 800 students,300 have opened restaurants nationwide and 500 have set up hot dog carts. He tells his students to start the day grilling onions and the people will come from blocks away,and on warm days to make sure to have fresh squeezed lemonade and ice cream for those customers who don't feel like eating hot food.

Did you know there is a Hot Dog University? aka college of encased meat knowledge. The instructor is a 66 year old Ph.D (professor of hot dogs) who teaches a two day course for $699. He has been serving hot dogs since he was 8 years old and loved it so much he did it part time while working as a middle school and high school teacher. He started teaching Hot Dog University in 2006 and has had over 800 students,300 have opened restaurants nationwide and 500 have set up hot dog carts. He tells his students to start the day grilling onions and the people will come from blocks away,and on warm days to make sure to have fresh squeezed lemonade and ice cream for those customers who don't feel like eating hot food.

Friday, July 17, 2015
This Truly Sucks!
Thanks to Terri for bringing this event to my attention earlier today. The Berenziki,Russia Mosquito Festival is an annual event that is taking place this very week,so if you want to go chances are you will have to make plans for next year,unless you happen to be close to Berenziki this year. The celebration is described as a joke festival with absurd events including: a mosquito parade,a mosquito catching contest and...a most delicious girl contest. To determine the most delicious girl the contestants stand still in shorts and vests for 20 minutes allowing the bloodsuckers to have their fill,then a panel of judges examine them to determine who received the most bites. The winner in 2013 had more than 100 bites...she must have been yummy! Believe it or not there are other Mosquito Festivals too,one in Texas and one in Oregon,but I didn't find any mention of a biting contest for either of those events.

Thursday, July 16, 2015
Brutal Beliefs
Being of royal blood or a leader of ancient cultures was no walk in the park. Most of the religious rites centered around mutilations,bloodletting,circumcisions,and let's not forget human sacrifices. The Mayans were big on bloodletting for most all important occasions,and the preferred area was the genitals (imagine if you will!). Along with bloodletting they fasted,smoked and had ritual enemas in pursuit of a trance like state and visions, in hope of communicating with the gods or lost ancestors. Any questions on why some of these civilizations died out?? Once again,I will take a pass and take my chances with my own beliefs.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Diners To Go
I bet some of you thought I meant dinners to go,nope! Have you ever given much thought to the difference between a cafe,diner or bistro? I hadn't until I read an article about diners. The original meaning of diner was a portable (mostly prefab) structure (think dining car),in fact New Jersey is not only home to the most diners they also manufacture diners there. Other that that distinction the meaning of the rest of the eating establishments are often debated. Some people insist the name indicates a price range while others say it is a matter of menu options and still others argue it depends on hours of operation. Who knew something so seemingly simple could be so hotly debated?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Hate Throughout History
Before I get started today I want to make it clear that I am not saying it is right to hate if that hate is sanctioned by the government,I am only pointing out the various times the government manipulated the masses with insidious messages resulting in hatred. During WWI sauerkraut was renamed Liberty Cabbage,same deal with the German Measles,they became Liberty Measles. Not even man's best friend escaped unscathed,German Shepherds became Alsatians and Dachshunds, Liberty Pups or Liberty Hounds. My question is what have we learned from history? It appears as though not much has been learned as we are still name changing,but are the changes really for the discriminated upon,or to confuse the discriminators? Apparently it is too much to ask to learn from historical blunders which is partly the reason for studying history.

Monday, July 13, 2015
Not French
Since it is National French Fry Day I thought it would be a good time to remind everyone that French fries aren't really French. In WWI American soldiers in Belgium were introduced to a delicious fried potato,and since the official language of the Belgium army was French,they called them French fries. Other things not French,but called French include the French Poodle,which is German, French apple pie,French dressing,French cut green beans and French vanilla ice cream or for that matter French kissing...however French onion soup is French! Don't quote me on this but it seems like I read something about calling ordinary items French was a marketing ploy from years past and the various names stuck.

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