Yes it is another Florida post,but I have an ulterior motive this time. A 28 year old St. Petersburg woman was involved in a fight and when the police arrived she threatened to throw her tampon in his mouth(I know pretty gross)then proceeded to remove her tampon and hurl it at the policeman. It did not hit his mouth,but did hit his shoulder at which time he tasered her. She was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon because the tampon was a bio hazard. Now for my question which I have hunted for an answer and can't find a clear one. I have mentioned that I often get nosebleeds and I don't think anything of throwing the paper towels in the trash but since the debacle at the Maui airport last year I have been wondering if I should be putting the bloodied towels in a bio-hazard bag? They had me put all the blood soaked items in a bag before they took it away,but if it goes in the trash here is anyone going to handle it again?

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monday, January 30, 2017
Holy Moley!
Did anyone else read the J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts alias) novels set in the future? They had some very cool gadgets,one being the Autochef which was a counter top device that cooked meals,not cooking like a microwave does but actually making a meal from fresh ingredients. Needless to say everyone who read those books lusted for their own Autochef,but lust no longer because this very year a robotic chef is being introduced. The Moley robotics kitchen comes with two robotic arms and a shelf to hold food and utensils. The Moley was programmed by having a chef wearing VR gloves being filmed so the robot could duplicate his movements. A meal can be selected and started from the home touch screen or an app on you cell phone. The starting price is a little steep ($75,000) but is expected to drop to $30,500 in 4-5 years.

Sunday, January 29, 2017
Non Scents
It's been a while sense I allowed myself a rant post so I figure I'm overdue. I have mentioned in the past that I find artificial scents nearly noxious and can't understand why they seem to have worked their way into the most unlikely items. Last time I purchased garbage bags I didn't notice the "odor control" claim...those things were so toxic I would try to hold my breath while changing them but by the time I had the thing unfurled I would end up taking in a lungful of the foul smell. Exactly who decided it would be a good idea to try to cover up one smell with another? That theory has never ended well in my experience. Never mind the store quit offering my natural cat litter so I got the next closest thing,trusting Arm&Hammer not to include a disgusting scent which is exactly what I ended up with,seriously do these people think they are really helping? These unnatural scents make me choke,literally. End of rant.

Saturday, January 28, 2017
Community Cat
I admire the UK for their community pets,over the years I have done many posts about bus riding cats and dogs that everyone in the area knew about and enjoyed seeing on a daily basis just as if meeting a friend on the way to work and having a chance to catch up with them. Today's pet is a cat named Brutus who sadly died earlier this month leaving the regular patrons of Morrison's Store sorely missing him,but they turned their grief for Brutus into a campaign to raise $6,000 to erect a statue in his honor so he would not be forgotten. $1.255 was collected in the first 24 hours.

Friday, January 27, 2017
Safety Chips
Ah,the wonders of technology! Frito -Lay has developed a party safe Tostitos bag for the Super Bowl that detects alcohol from your breath causing the bag to change color and picture a steering wheel with the message "Don't drink and drive" it can also order an Uber car to come for you at a $10 discount during or after the Super Bowl. That is great for that particular day,but as long as they have that technology it seems like they might as well save lives all year instead of just one day,of course the Uber part would need work...maybe if the bag just reminded the person of all the trouble they would be causing for themselves if they drove in their present condition it would help deter,I didn't think so either!

Thursday, January 26, 2017
Feeling Blue ?
I was thinking earlier that I had been doing more drinking and drugs posts than usual lately but when I looked over the last couple of weeks it didn't seem excessive so on with today's offering about a new blue wine named Gik. First I need to point out that in the country of Gik's origin (Spain) they refuse to call it a wine saying wines can only be red,white or rose forcing it to be included with "other alcoholic drinks". The wine is made from a blend of grapes and the color is combination of two pigments naturally found in grape skin. The blue color has special meaning for the founders as it comes from a book called "Blue Ocean Strategy" which states there are two kinds of oceans,red oceans where the sharks fight over a few fish turning the ocean red with blood or blue oceans where thanks to creativity and innovation everyone could be free. I'm not usually much for wine but I think I would have to try this just because it is stunning to look at,I know,bad reason!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Doesn't it seem like the Massachusetts State Police and the National Guard should have more pressing work to do than busting an 81 year old woman for a single marijuana plant? Needless to say the woman was livid and felt like her 4th amendment rights had been violated. Medical marijuana is legal in her state but she doesn't have a card because there is no local dispensary so she had been growing one plant to help ease her glaucoma, arthritis and insomnia. Apparently the DEA gave the state $60,000 for marijuana eradication...but why spend it all on one little old lady with one measly pot plant?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Nope,neither of those names are quite right but just calling it beer yoga, though descriptive, doesn't satisfy that creative urge. There have probably been people doing beer yoga long before it was ever given a name but it is believed that the organized form was started in Germany. Needless to say where ever it originated it is a hit and why not? it combines two relaxing activities. Typically it is an hour long session where a couple of beers are worked into the yoga poses but sometimes the two are separated and the beer isn't consumed until after the yoga portion is finished,and from what I gathered the reason for the separation is legally based. The only question I have is why are they taking a chance with bottles in the pictures? Knowing my level of coordination I would be more comfortable with a can.

Monday, January 23, 2017
Oh Rats!
Living in an area where most everything is fairly close to the water rats are not uncommon visitors to anywhere food is stored but being aware of that is the important part. I'm not sure if the restaurant mentioned today is near water but if a rat finds a way to a food source then you need to step up your game plan,but I digress. A woman having dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Folsom,CA reported seeing a rat to her waitperson who in turn told the manager. The manager gave a discount on their receipt and called a pest control company. How the amount of the discount was calculated is not mentioned,but neither the pest control nor later the health department found any trace of a rat. Now this is where I smell a rat...when you look at the receipt it has more than one meal posted on it so why didn't her fellow diners notice the rat? I think she was trying to get the whole meal paid for by claiming to see a rat,because if there had been a rat there it would have more than likely left evidence of its visit.

Sunday, January 22, 2017
Getting Buff in the Buff
When I started reading about Britain's first naked workout my first thought was why? but the answer to that question was not revealed until the end of the article,a clever tactic to keep a person reading until the end. The 35 year old instructor led ten participants in the first Nude-ercise class which consisted of jumping jacks,sit ups,push ups and partner work. She describes the hour long class as a gentle boot camp style program suitable for all fitness levels,the first class had people from ages 33-70 and the cost is around $10. The reason for the nudity actually makes a certain amount of sense,without workout clothes in the way the instructor can easily see if an exercise is being done incorrectly and it is easier for the participants to see what is being demonstrated without those pesky sweats in the way, and for the bonus round there are no sweaty clothes to deal with when the workout is over.

Saturday, January 21, 2017
As I've said in the past I don't normally do similar posts back to back,if for no other reason than to keep things diversified, but both yesterday's topic and today's caught me by surprise from different directions so rather than discounting either one I am opting to break my own rule.
With that said you may have guessed that the theme is technology related and you would be right. So how many of you think there is a need for a Smart Brush? Loreal through one of their branches is offering a brush that runs on batteries and when connected to a Smart phone app can tell you what you are doing wrong with your hair by analyzing the way you brush it. Sensors in the brush record sound waves from your hair and measure the amount of damage and can also recommend what to do to fix the problems. It will be coming to the market in early 2017 for around $200. I've been proved wrong in the past about the need for more technology but really? A smart brush?

With that said you may have guessed that the theme is technology related and you would be right. So how many of you think there is a need for a Smart Brush? Loreal through one of their branches is offering a brush that runs on batteries and when connected to a Smart phone app can tell you what you are doing wrong with your hair by analyzing the way you brush it. Sensors in the brush record sound waves from your hair and measure the amount of damage and can also recommend what to do to fix the problems. It will be coming to the market in early 2017 for around $200. I've been proved wrong in the past about the need for more technology but really? A smart brush?

Friday, January 20, 2017
Seems like an appropriate subject for an otherwise crappy day,but no need to dwell on that. I continue to be amazed at all the gadgetry available for underwear,smart underwear that is. If you are involved in a long distance relationship you might want to invest in Fundawear vibrating underwear which allow you to pleasure your partner from afar. For young women confused about true love there is a smart bra that monitors your heart rate and will only unfasten for true love. How about something more for seniors? Dfree will tell you when it is time to locate a bathroom before it is too late. For those men who ignore warnings about carrying their cell phones in their pants pockets there are boxers with silver woven into the cotton to protect their gonads...if you ask me if they aren't smart enough to not put their phones in their pants pockets maybe they shouldn't be reproducing.

Thursday, January 19, 2017
We Have a Finalist
I am continually amazed at the blood alcohol levels of people arrested for DUI,but I think we may have a finalist if not a winner should we decide to keep track of those with REALLY high blood alcohol. This 62 year old Meriden,Connecticut man scored 0.209% (0.35-0.40% is usually fatal),the amount was five times over the legal limit for commercial drivers...oh,did I forget to mention he was driving a tractor trailer on HWY 89 at 63 mph? The police responded to a call at 9:25 a.m. about a semi on its side on the shoulder. The man was standing up in between the seats at the time of the crash trying to change his pants and no I don't know why he was trying to change his pants but I could venture several guesses.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Even though today's post did happen in Florida I'm afraid I can't say "only in Florida" on this one as there seems to be a nationwide trend of similar events. A Florida inmate is suing Verizon for $72 million for letting him commit identity theft. The man claims that the 90 minutes he was in their store the employees missed several opportunities to catch him in his fraudulent act. Never mind that the man's criminal history dates back to 1985 and consist of 37 convictions,he still wants to blame it on the companies negligent business practices. Fortunately this time the district court is moving to have the case thrown out,but how many times have we all read about this kind of legal action gaining traction? and why don't these repeat offenders ever try to make an honest living?

Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Strange Brew
I was just thinking maybe Trump consumes to much caffeine...then I remembered that flight of ideas was a sign of mental illness,so not to worry. Yes,I am going somewhere with the caffeine thing. A 65 year old West London woman was fined 80 pounds (around $100 US) for dumping some nasty coffee down a street drain and throwing the cup in a trash container. She was stopped by enforcement officers and told she would have to pay a fine. She appealed the fine but was denied until someone from environmental law informed the council that the coffee was neither poisonous nor noxious matter at which time they refunded her fine and wrote a letter of apology. It all seems so obvious in hindsight.

Monday, January 16, 2017
Sick Day
Under the weather today and don't think I have it in me to concentrate enough to make sense so I'm leaving you to your own devices. Hopefully I will feel better by tomorrow,I hate feeling sick!

Sunday, January 15, 2017
Keep Your Eyes on Your Fries
Maybe McDonald's should rework the old Fries ad in honor of the 13 year old girl who smacked a gun away when a 12 year old classmate demanded that she give him one of her Chicken McNuggets. The boy first asked her for a McNugget while she was still inside New York City's Harlem McDonald's,she refused so he followed her to the subway station where several people witnessed him put a gun to her head and repeat his demand. She swatted the gun away and told the boy to leave her alone. The boy was charged as a juvenile for attempted robbery. I'm really happy this ended well and that more people are sticking up for themselves,but I can't say I would have done the same for a Chicken McNugget.

Saturday, January 14, 2017
Talking Turkey
Easter is a turkey with a purpose,she is an ESA (emotional support animal) and has traveled extensively with her owner by car,boat and plane. The young widow adopted Easter as a companion when her friends found her (Easter) standing in the middle of the road in Corvallis,Oregon. They have been together constantly from then on. Easter allows the woman to hold her and grieve and also keeps her in contact with people as she is a conversation starter. They share meals,attend music events and hang out at home with their cats,often indulging in manicures and massages. I think it is wonderful that so much comfort can be found with these ESA animals and find it extremely disturbing to think that people who do not need this comfort endanger the service by trying to pass off their badly behaved pets as the real thing.

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