I recently read a book on medieval torture and thought a few of the devices would make good Halloween yard decorations for those of you who enjoy a touch of the esoteric instead of the basics. The brazen bull would make an excellent centerpiece to any yard display. In the shape of a bull it is molded from bronze or brass with a door in the side. The torture victim is placed inside and a fire is built underneath,as they slowly roast the screams and moans are supposed to sound like a bull. Next in line is a quaint little item called the scavenger's daughter,this device is pretty much the opposite of drawing and quartering in that it tortures/kills by compressing the person until bones are broken and internal injuries result in death...of course if you change your mind you could always release them,but where's the fun in that? Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
Too Far?
A nightclub in Liverpool,England is under fire for hanging bodies from nooses as Halloween decorations. Families described the decorations as horrifying and disturbing and worried over possible psychological harm to their children. Keeping in mind that my childhood was a long time ago,I can't imagine being anything but excited by the authenticity of the dead bodies and shouldn't kids be aware that Halloween is a holiday catering to the macabre? With that said there was also a complaint from a 24 year old suicide prevention hotline volunteer saying it was not something anyone should have to see on a daily basis...maybe she didn't realize the bodies would come down after the holiday? The club stated that they were trying to make a point that people should not party too hard. It is entirely possible that I'm an insensitive ghoul.

Sunday, October 29, 2017
Slippery Devil
Today's post gives a new meaning to the phrase multi-tasking. A 54 year old man was pulled over for speeding earlier this month in Oklahoma. Much to the deputy's surprise the man was naked except for a thong, he was also nearly covered in Vaseline (a whole jar's worth) and riding shotgun was a pornographic magazine. When questioned by the officer the man admitted to masturbating. The driver's license he presented hadn't been valid since 1985,seems he had spent most of the lat 27 years in prison on a variety of charges. He was charged with speeding and driving with a revoked license but was later freed on a $1,000 bond.

Saturday, October 28, 2017
Strange Brews
Maybe today's title should be "More Strange Brews" since I feel inclined to point out the many strange ingredients that are used in today's designer beers and the odd list just keeps growing. I'll start with Celeste Jewel,an ale created by Dogfish Head Brewery of Delaware,the secret to unique flavor? Lunar meteorites were crushed then steeped in the brewery's Oktoberfest offering. Don't bother looking for it in stores it is only available on tap.
Next up is Nun With a Chainsaw which was made to honor a chainsaw wielding nun who helped the cleanup effort after hurricane Irma. It is made by Due South Brewing Co. and boasts a piney tropical flavor.

Next up is Nun With a Chainsaw which was made to honor a chainsaw wielding nun who helped the cleanup effort after hurricane Irma. It is made by Due South Brewing Co. and boasts a piney tropical flavor.

Friday, October 27, 2017
Dumbed Down
"We hold these truths to be self evident,that all men are created equal"...nice thought but still not true,in fact that seems to be the operating system for the current administration,they are better than everyone else and we should be content with whatever left overs they throw our way,but they still have the undying support of the very ones they intend to deal the worst hands to. But I digress...in Iowa the Dept. of Transportation had to issue clarification on the deer crossing signs because they received so many phone calls telling them that the deer weren't obeying the signs so they should move them. I've heard people joke about the signs but unfortunately these people were serious...and yes,if you were wondering Iowa voted for the tweeter in chief. I guess his incoherent rantings make sense to some folks.

Thursday, October 26, 2017
Bug Burger
I understand that some people are over the top about certain holidays or in some cases all holidays but that shouldn't infringe on anyone else's enjoyment of the day. What's "bugging" me, you ask? A fast food burger joint in Australia (Huxtaburger) is offering a Bugstaburger for Halloween. All Huxtaburger locations will be using blue buns for the holiday and one location will give the option of an insect burger consisting of roasted mealworms,ant mayonnaise and blue buns. Even though I don't plan on being in Australia for the occasion the thought of bugs cooking on the same grill that will go back to cooking regular burgers is less than appealing. Maybe I've just spent too many years preventing bugs from being in my meals to allow me to consider this with a sense of humor.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Scared Stupid?
We all have our phobias though I've never really understood arachnophobia as spiders are so small and the ones that are poisonous usually don't have enough venom to harm an adult. Spider webs aren't pleasant to walk into face first but rarely contain a spider as they flee the disaster. With those thoughts in mind it seems pretty silly that a man in Arizona took a butane torch to clear the spider webs underneath his home which in turn caused his home to burn...now burning homes,that's a phobia I can get behind!
I will be taking another break of about a week so don't call the authorities to report a missing blogger. With any luck I will have adventures to report and share upon my return.

I will be taking another break of about a week so don't call the authorities to report a missing blogger. With any luck I will have adventures to report and share upon my return.

Monday, October 16, 2017
Lock'em Up
McDonald's in Singapore has initiated phone lockers in hope of getting people to put their phones down and talk to each other,but so far there haven't been many takers. This is a noticeable trend and not only when in an eating establishment but walking and even driving, though it is against the law in most places. I continue to be amazed at people walking around looking at their phones,first there is so much to see and enjoy when a person is walking but there is also a danger of becoming roadkill...being hit by a driver who is looking at their phone! Nice try anyway McDonald's.

Sunday, October 15, 2017
Too Much Fun
Have fun or die trying could have been the motto for a couple of tourists who met with accidental deaths while in search of a good time. In July a 70 year old businessman died in a parasailing accident while his wife filmed the tragedy. Not to be out done a 35 year old woman from Russia while on vacation in the Dominican Republic decided to lean out the car window and show her breasts as her friend filmed her. She either hit a lamp post or another car and that was all she wrote...end of vacation. Maybe they died happy?

Saturday, October 14, 2017
Saucy Swap
Even though sauces are often the part of a meal that is the least healthy they are also often what makes a meal speak to a person. As if to prove that point McDonald's (of all places) has had trouble keeping their Szechuan sauce in stock and when they do get it in fans will line up hours in advance just to score a packet of the coveted sauce. With that in mind a 23 year old woman drove 45 minutes to Detroit for a chance at 1 of the 20 available packets. She got lucky and walked away with a packet she then decided to post it on Pin Nation to see if anyone would be willing to trade her a car for the packet since people pay up to $300 for the sauce she thought it was worth a try. She found a man willing to give her a 2000 VW Golf in working condition, and the rest,as they say,is history.

Friday, October 13, 2017
Paraskevidevidekatriaphobia is a word for fear of Friday the 13th taken from the Greek word for Friday. Friggatriskaidekaphobia is the Norse version of the same fear and is taken from the name of the Norse Goddess of Friday,but enough about that! Today marked the final flight 666 on Finnair from Copenhagen,Denmark to Helsinki-Vantaa (airport code HEL). If you would have liked to make the flight to HEL on flight #666 on Friday the 13th you missed your chance as this was the last flight 666 as it is being renamed 954. 21 Friday the 13th flights were made with the flight numbered 666 to HEL with no major problems. Now if you want to go to HEL you will have to make other plans.

Thursday, October 12, 2017
Timing is Off
People of the US are ensured their religious freedom but lately it seems like those who may come under the heading of zealots are taking liberties with that freedom, encroaching on other peoples freedom. For instance a man in Kentucky has plans to further his religious beliefs on the innocent trick-or-treaters who come to his door on Halloween. Instead of handing out candy, pencils or something else that would seem appropriate he is planning on handing out religious pamphlets and fake money with bible messages like "If you have ever broken God's law,the penalty is death and eternal hell." Maybe it's just me but it seems a little harsh for kids just looking for a sugar rush.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017
I'm not a big fan of Oreo cookies but I will admit they have effective marketing concepts. They have trotted out just about every flavor imaginable over the years but as of October 9th they have released the Mystery Oreo. The idea is to guess what the flavor is,then enter a contest for $50,000 going to the winner and $10,000 going to the next 5 correct answers. You can enter your answer every day until the deadline on November 30th. Most people who have tried the Mystery cookies think they taste like Fruit Loops or some other rendition of fruit cereal.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Safety for Dummies
Betty the road safety mannequin doesn't wear a uniform while performing her duty,but that is part of what makes her effective. People are slowing down to see what outfit Betty is dressed in on any given day so her fashion sense is causing the speeders to slow down. Mission accomplished. Sadly or not,Betty will soon be back to work as window dressing as she is being replaced by an electronic speed sign.

Monday, October 9, 2017
Public Service Post
For once I'm far enough ahead of the holiday to actually be of assistance should anyone be looking for that "special" costume. It is supposed to be a time for introverts to come out of their shells when they dress like someone or something other than themselves,but I think everyone enjoys taking on an alter ego occasionally.
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Halloweenie |

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