Ha! I bet you think I should have used tale in the title but today's post is about a shark's tail so you would be wrong. In an odd twist of trash or treasure a house in the UK that has a shark sticking out of its roof caused quite a stir with the council when the sculpture was first installed in 1986 with the council ordering it to be demolished and the owner refusing. The son inherited the house known as Headington Shark from his late father in 2019 and is now fighting to keep it off of Oxford Heritage Asset Register saying it defeats the purpose his father intended,to protest against planning restrictions and censorship. I'm with the son on this one since the council was against it until they thought they might profit from it and of course honoring his father's wishes.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Raw Deal
Once a person gets over the ick factor they might decide this guy isn't entirely nuts. A man in California is doing an experiment to see how long he can survive on raw meat,so far it's been around 80 days. His thinking was,"why are humans the only animal who cooks the meat they eat?" He has a point,if you want to feed meat to dogs or cats it is important that it be raw so they can digest it. He also says he feels better since starting his raw diet (including eggs and milk) without processed foods he is getting better nutrition and more digestible food he also makes the point that vegetables aren't really good for humans because of the amount of cellulose they contain which humans can't digest. My only comment is he doesn't look real pleased with the chicken breast.
Saturday, January 29, 2022
A 27 year old woman in Switzerland wants a roommate to share expenses,actually that isn't an accurate way to express her idea. What she wants is someone to pay her $537 a month to sleep on her balcony in a two man tent and yes it's winter there. Being big hearted she also offers use of the kitchen and bathroom. Since she hasn't cleared her idea with either the landlord or officials it is unlikely that she will be able to rent the tent,along with needing a building permit for the tent to stay in place for an extended period there are several other considerations,not to mention that if she was allowed to keep a tent on her balcony then all the other tenants could do the same. I'm thinking she didn't really think this through before she took out the advertisement.
Friday, January 28, 2022
Is It Just Me?
Just when you think things can't get much weirder they find a way,it's like the world is stuck in a "hold my beer" moment. For instance did you know there is a show named"Come Dine With Me" featuring people doing odd things in the kitchen? Ten years after one show where a man put a whisk in his mouth while making cheesecake and he's a star again from people paying $40 a pop to watch a video of him repeating the old whisk in the mouth trick and he's making more money that way than from his day job. Seriously why would anyone pay to see that? Is everyone that bored? or am I missing a piece of the puzzle?
Thursday, January 27, 2022
A Head in the Game
There are so many questions and not a clue where to start...if you had $200,000 and thought that your dead body might someday be reanimated would you go for it? or if you were tired of your used up old body and only interested in preserving your brain and memories you could have your head frozen for only $80,000. There is actually a company in Arizona (of all the places) who offers cryonic chambers where 200 bodies and heads are already stored with the idea that in the decades to come technology will advance to the point of being able to cure the ailments that made those bodies and heads decide to roll the dice and hope for life after death. Life is getting more like science fiction every day.
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Mistaken Identity
This is just one example of how police screw up and it appears to have a racial twist,I have nothing against the police in general but as with any occupation there are always a few that should seek employment elsewhere. This time they arrested a 25 year old black man named Shane Lee Brown and jailed him for a week even though the warrant that came up when he was stopped was for a Shane Neal Brown a 49 year old white man,but wait,it gets worse. Not only was the name and age different so was eye color and height. Once they discovered their error the younger Brown was released and is now suing for $500,000 which I'm not sure is enough since something obviously needs to be done to stop this from happening again.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Brain Virus?
Along with killing hundreds of thousands of people the pandemic has also wreaked havoc on people's judgement as noted from the many hold my beer moments on airline flights it's like people forgot how to act in public. It is somewhat understandable to see people snapping and getting into fist fights but how do we normalize a woman trying to breastfeed her hairless cat in flight? Never mind that the cat wanted nothing to do with the whole ordeal and was loudly objecting,never mind that the flight attendant warned the woman to put the cat back in its carrier. They radioed ahead to have the special services Red Coats meet the flight and take care of the situation on the ground. Seriously,what next?
Monday, January 24, 2022
Heart On Part II
Since I have an appointment in a bit I decided to present more presents for the upcoming holiday. I'm guessing that since the holiday is about love that is why there seem to be several sex related items on offer.
Not being well versed on butt plugs I have no clue why one would need a lighted one |
Unless women are giving men roses for the holiday I would think it should be a man wearing this |
I'm not a big fan of jelly beans though cocktail flavored ones might be an exception |
Who knew ugly Valentine's sweaters existed |
I'll wrap today's post up with this dildo sword Happy Shopping! |
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Little Runaway
Has anyone tried the robotic vacuum cleaners? They don't work quite as advertised,for instance one recently escaped its territory in a motel in the UK and took to the streets. It was gone a day and given up as lost/stolen when a grounds worker found it under a hedge. I have one I no longer use since it is temperamental at best, I had to quit using it in the living room since all it wanted to do was try to mate with a cat toy or become trapped in the laundry room. They claim that neither of those things can happen because it has sensors that prevent it from climbing or going lower to keep it from falling down stairs. I finally resigned it to cleaning my bedroom where at first it spent the entire time under the bed which was fine since that meant I didn't have to move the bed to clean,but then it got tired of that and started sending beeping messages saying either it needed emptying or that the door to the emptying compartment was open plus a code for an error that had no name. So yes,I totally believe that the one in the news story had a nefarious plan but not enough battery to complete the operation.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Get Your Heart On Part I
Valentine's Day isn't much of a holiday other than having chocolate involved but since I'm not here to judge the worthiness of the occasion only to offer alternative gift ideas to the typical fare associated with said holiday I'll go ahead and post a few ideas. I'm thinking there will be a part II unless I forget and don't post it in time.
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Box of chocolates costume |
What better way to say "I love you" than a bologna face mask |
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The old chocolate lobster trick |
With these babies you can look hearts at your love just like in the cartoons |
For that stoner on your list,a joint rolled in rose petals |
Friday, January 21, 2022
Weird Neighbors?
I'd never heard of Canada's Rhino Party which is a satire party and my first thought was how weird is that to have a party that pokes fun at the issues at hand? Then I recalled the not so funny insurrectionist party of our own nation and decided I definitely preferred the Rhino Party. Some of the promises made by the Rhinos include:repealing the law of gravity,moving the Rockies into the Great Lakes to create jobs and make Canada an equal country and allowing children to vote as long as they can make an "X". In conclusion they are a better choice than parties I will not name at this time though I think we all know who they are!
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Covid Chicken?
This one should probably be filed under cure you or kill you but more on the kill you side,or maybe just recipe for disaster? Presented on Tik Tok as "Sleepy Chicken" a supposed cure for colds and flu,it suggests cooking chicken in NyQuil. If you're over your initial gag response to that thought I will now go on to tell you that doctors have been warning against this "cure" as it can be lethal. Once heated the water and alcohol evaporate leaving a high concentration of chemicals,and never mind it would also be equal to ingesting a quarter or more of a bottle of NyQuil,so all in all not a good plan not to mention it looks ugly too.
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Sounding Off
Silly me,I thought there was a blue pill guys used if they were having erectile problems once again showing what my thoughts are worth. Apparently there's a practice called sounding where men insert objects like thin rods into their urethra as a home remedy for erectile dysfunction though most often it does more harm than good. One couple in a creative moment decided to use spray insulation for sounding,needless to say it didn't end well. After 3 weeks of assuring his partner that he was going to be okay he finally sought medical attention when he could no longer urinate. The insulation foam had hardened in his bladder which they were able to clean out without too much difficulty,but his penis proved more problematic. They had to make an incision between his scrotum and anus in order to clear the insulation,not to mention if there is a repeat offense he will be referred for counseling,which seems in order.