Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Darn It

 When remembering the word tarnation most people attribute it to Yosemite Sam but as it turns out he wasn't the one who first used the word even though it's a perfect fit with his persona. In more recent years (from 1992 on) he did use tarnation on occasion though not as remembered from his earlier cartoons. It is an example of the Mandela effect, a shared false memory. Tarnation was used on other shows in the mid 20th century like Beverly Hillbillies and Gunsmoke but not by Yosemite Sam. So what exactly does tarnation mean? It grew out of two words, darnation, a variant of damnation, and tarnal a pronunciation of eternal used as a mild curse. What else do you suppose we collectively remember incorrectly? 

Monday, December 30, 2024

What's That Smell?

 If Paris Hilton can trademark "that's hot" it would follow that most anything can be trademarked though that isn't true of a few things, like colors and scents. In fact as of 2023 there are only 15 scents that are trademarked in the US and they aren't perfumes. One of the rules for trademarking a scent is that it is not the primary purpose for the product, so no perfumes or air fresheners, rule number two is consumers must be able to link the scent to the product, think Play-Doh, and yes, Play-Doh is one of the 15. The others on the list can be seen in the following picture. Who knew? 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

All Wet

It must be about time for some shower thoughts so without further ado...

Does a straw have one hole or two?

Your first birthday is technically your second birthday.

I wonder what my dog named me? 

Can you daydream at night?

If Earth was flat, the edge would probably be a tourist attraction. 

When my dog brings me the same toy, I wonder if it's his favorite toy or if he thinks it's my favorite toy?

Teeth are the only problem where if you ignore them they will go away. 


Saturday, December 28, 2024

It's Not Over Until...

 The fat lady sings 12 Days of Christmas? Not quite but the 12 days aren't over until January 6th and the 12 days don't start until Christmas day. Some think that all the different gifts in the song have religious meanings but according to Snopes that theory doesn't hold water. The song was most likely a memory game for children involving dares about who could get the whole sequence right. A few other trivial facts about the song are the calling birds originally colly birds, meaning blackbirds, the 5 golden rings weren't jewelry but the rings on a ring necked pheasant. In 2023 the cost of the 364 gifts was $201,972.66 with the most expensive item being the swans. In case your memory is failing on the gifts here is a list from 12-1.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Twelve drummers drumming
Eleven pipers piping
Ten lords a-leaping
Nine ladies dancing
Eight maids a-milking
Seven swans a-swimming
Six geese a-laying
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three french hens
Two turtle doves …

And, of course, “a partridge in a pear tree!”

Friday, December 27, 2024

In a Pickle

 Pickles of one sort or another are pretty much universally loved and of course not all things pickled are cucumbers which contributes to the variety and after 4,000 years of pickling do pickles need to be revamped? Someone, somewhere thought so and now we have glitter pickles or glickles. Glickles are any type of pickle with edible glitter added, edible glitter's main ingredient is sugar which unless you're into sweet pickles is in opposition to the tangy vinegary pickle taste. As could be expected several businesses are jumping on the pickle wagon to get their fare share of pickle juice. Speaking of pickle juice some folks enjoy their Diet Coke with pickle juice, then there's pickle flavored Pringles, and spicy dill Goldfish crackers. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Fair Deal

A married mother of two in England just hosted her fourth 3 day Christmas holiday at her home, (here's where you can call her crazy!) though she must enjoy it, it does add to her holiday expenses. The family has always chipped in to ease the financial burden but this year she kept her receipts for the food and drinks to make it fair and told everyone their part was $32 for 3 meals a day for 3 days, not bad at all considering she was doing the cooking and supplying the energy to prepare the meals. Of course Fox News had to chime in and say it was poor etiquette to "charge" an amount for a family meal like it was a restaurant...excuse me Fox expert! Tell me exactly where in the world a person can get 9 meals for $32? and never mind tips. Get a grip. Is it just me or does the expert sound a little out of touch? 


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Last Word

Today's post is some Christmas quotes to pass the time and share with friends and family, enjoy. 

Marry an orphan. You'll never have to spend boring holidays with the in-laws. At most, an occasional visit to the cemetery. George Carlin 

Santa Claus has the right idea: visit people once a year. Victor Borge 

Next to a circus, there ain't nothing that packs up and tears out faster than the Christmas spirit. Kin Hubbard 

There is a remarkable breakdown of taste and intelligence at Christmas time. Mature, responsible grown  men wear neckties made out of holly leaves and drink alcoholic beverages with raw egg yolks and cottage cheese in them. P.J. O'Rourke 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Operation Santa

 Dear Santa letters go back to before the post office was established in 1775 though then the letters were burned so the ashes would rise to reach Santa. In the early 20th century the post office created Operation Santa to deal with Santa mail. The letters were answered mainly by the postmasters though eventually it was turned over to individuals and charitable groups in turn giving rise to the Santa Claus Association, a group of volunteers who answered the letters and delivered gifts to children. In 2017 Operation Santa went online so children can now email the big guy with their requests. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Piggy Pardon

 Like with a lot of other things Florida marches to its own drummer, to put it nicely. The White House has the yearly turkey pardon but in Florida it's a pig pardon and instead of Thanksgiving it's done at Christmas time. For the past seven years two pigs have been pardoned by the mayor of Miami, this years piglets were Glinda and Elphaba who will spend the rest of their lives at a sanctuary south of Miami. The reason it's pigs at Christmas instead of turkeys at Thanksgiving is Miami has a large Cuban population and part of their Christmas traditions is to roast a whole piglet in either an underground pit, in a special metal box, or on a spit and yes, it originally started as a joke but took off from there.  

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Demons From Hell

 Some of you may have read about the police in Wyoming stopping a car that was decorated with Christmas light as it is illegal in Wyoming. With that thought in mind what about the people with the LED lights which produce 3 times the lumens of regular headlights allowing the driver to see all the way to Mars but effectively blinding all the other drivers. Then there are the weird configurations of parking lights/running lights that are cropping up on the new cars that will take some getting used to before they aren't mistaken for alien driving craft. In the olden days there were only standard headlights to deal with until 1968 when they started having the parking lights stay on in addition to the headlights, and from there it has been all downhill in the name of safety, but wait is it safer with all the light configurations? 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Tree Topper

 First an update on the ongoing battle with Facebook's AI...I received a notification that they changed their ruling on yesterday's post being spam and at some point would repost it. It never appeared on my home page though it did post so your guess is as good as mine on what's going on though I would hope they get their AI fine tuned before they jump into editing thing that don't need editing. With that said, on with today's offering. A family in Virginia had a surprise visit from a Barred Owl who flew down their chimney, then took his place of honor as the tree topper after pushing the star topper to the side. The Animal Welfare League were able to capture him then release him outdoors so he could continue making his rounds! 

Friday, December 20, 2024

It's Got To Be a Joke

Liquid Death, a US company selling sparkling water with heavy metal-style images and marketing has added yet another peculiar item to their stable of the odd. This time it's a pit diaper for those who don't want to leave the action at a concert to brave the bathroom scene. Would anyone really wear a pleather diaper complete with metal studs and chains?  I don't think they could be serious yet at $75 a pop they sold out. Some other items Liquid Death has offered are: misfortune cookies, a soap designed for psychopaths, and a can of their drink duct taped to a wall as opposed to a banana duct taped to a wall. 


Thursday, December 19, 2024


 Speaking of greed and entitlement why do they give out million dollar gift bags at the Golden Globes? That is what this year's bag is worth and it doesn't make sense to give that away to people who can clearly buy most anything they want anyway and may not even want some of the items. What would make sense if for the various companies who want to ingratiate themselves with the elite to make a million dollar contribution to that stars favorite charity...then again maybe I'm just a Scrooge. 


  1. ACX Access and Helsinki Citycopter: A private flight and stay in Finland to see the Northern Lights ($48,000, available to one recipient)
  2. The Reserve at Grace Bay by Beach Enclave: Three-night stay in a beachfront villa in Turks and Caicos ($507,492, available to nine recipients)
  3. Celestia Phinisi Yacht: Five-day luxury yacht charter throughout the Coral Triangle in Indonesia ($60,000, available to all 100 participants)
  4. JOALI BEING: Five-night stay and wellness experience in the Maldives ($33,800, available to 50 participants)
  5. L’Ermitage Beverly Hills: One-night stay in a Beverly Hills suite ($1,500, available to all 100 participants)
  6. Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve: Three-night stay in the Bali Jungle ($5,800, available to three participants)
  7. Round Hill Hotel and Villas: Three-night stay in a 6-bedroom Caribbean estate villa ($35,000, available to one participant)
  8. The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman: Five-night stay in a Grand Cayman resort ($55,000, available to all 100 participants)
  9. The Tasman, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Hobart: Two-night stay and whisky experience in Tasmania, Australia ($4,935, available to five participants)

  1. BEAU DOMAINE: The Fluid Cream ($209, available to all 100 participants)
  2. Coyuchi: A choice of decadent organic-linen or cotton sateen sheets  ($572 – $1,392, available to all 100 participants)
  3. CurrentBody: A cutting-edge LED Light Therapy Face Mask Series 2 ($469, available to all 100 participants)
  4. Dr. Simon Ourian: A non-surgical Stemcell Facelift ($40,000, available to one participant)
  5. EXPONENT: Vitamin C Serum and COQ10 ($98, available to all 100 participants)
  6. FEMMUE: A kit of flowery skin-care essentials ($290, available to all 100 participants)
  7. FORWARD__Space: A personalized, dance-focused workout and wellness experience ($15,000, available to 25 participants)
  8. La Prairie: Pure Gold Radiance Concentrate serum ($935, available to 40 participants)
  9. NB44: A custom-designed suit handcrafted in Italy ($11,400, available to three participants)
  10. NordicTrack: A cutting-edge NordicTrack Ultra 1 treadmill ($15,000, available to four participants)
  11. Perfumehead: An exquisite small-batch fragrance from the award-winning LA Collection ($615, available to 50 participants)
  12. The Maybourne Beverly Hills: Oxygen Facial ($1,400, available to 10 participants)

Wine, Spirits, and Cigars

  1. Casa Komos Brands Group: A rare bottle of Komos XO tequila ($2,000, available to 10 participants)
  2. Casa Komos Brands Group: The celebrated collection of Reposado Rosa, Añejo Cristalino, Añejo Reserva, and Extra Añejo ($950, available to 15 participants)
  3. Casa Komos Brands Group: A sustainability-minded trip to the Komos Foundation in Tequila, Mexico ($5,500, available to one participant)
  4. Davidoff Cigars: A humidor made for travel ($440, available to 20 participants)
  5. Isle of Harris Distillery: A bottle of The Hearach Single Malt Scotch Whisky and/or Isle of Harris Gin ($90 and $150, available to all 100 participants)
  6. Liber Pater: Wine tasting and dinner experience in Bordeaux, France ($272,000, available to one participant)
  7. Liber Pater: A trio of ultra rare 2015, 2018, and 2019 vintages ($34,8000, available to one participant)

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Of Cabbages and Kings

The Walrus and the Carpenter by Lewis Carroll was thought by many to be a nonsense Victorian poem but was actually a jab at entitlement, greed, and the abuse of power. It's still strangely fitting today but I digress. The cabbage part is the key to today's post, as in ancient times it was thought that cabbage was the key to treating hangovers. The idea was that cabbage and the vine were enemies so to counter the vine you needed cabbage, some ate it raw or steamed while other actually wore a cabbage on their head. Other cures at the time involved wearing a garland of laurel around your neck, amethyst, and Pliny the Elder swore by raw owl eggs and fried canaries. Hope these hangover tips come in handy for those of you who over imbibe over the holidays. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Fantasy Flight

 For 30+ years United Airlines has partnered with Make-A-Wish, Children's Hospitals, Girls Inc., Down Syndrome Association and various other organizations to bring holiday cheer to children age 3-10 by taking them on a fantasy flight to the North Pole. This year 13 cities around the world participated. First they load around a 100 kids on a plane decorated with streamers, paper snowflakes, and tufts of cotton, then the attendants haul a bubble machine up and down the aisle while  holiday songs play followed by a snack of apple slices and juice. After about 45 minutes they land at the North Pole where they are greeted by Santa and Mrs. Claus, elves, an ice cream truck and gifts. They then play games and do fun activities before it's time to board for the flight home. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

How the Cookie Crumbles

Today's post will look at the most popular cookies in the 50 states, once again courtesy of Google data.  Topping the list in several states are Italian Christmas cookies which are glazed with almond extract then covered in round sprinkles. The second position goes to gingerbread cookies (any shape counts). The rest of the list consists of various favorites like sugar cookies, shortbread, and snickerdoodles. Check the list for yourself to see the top cookies. 

  1. Alabama // Oreo Cookies
  2. Alaska // Gingerbread Cookies
  3. Arizona // Chocolate Crinkle Cookies
  4. Arkansas // Gingerbread Cookies
  5. California // Christmas Monster Cookies
  6. Colorado // Cookie Bars
  7. Connecticut // Kitchen Sink Cookies
  8. Delaware // Gluten-Free Cookies
  9. Florida // Cake Mix Cookies
  10. Georgia // Gingerbread Cookies
  11. Hawaii // Sugar Cookies
  12. Idaho // Italian Christmas Cookies
  13. Illinois // Spritz Cookies
  14. Indiana // Chocolate Peppermint Cookies
  15. Iowa // Shortbread Cookies
  16. Kansas // Christmas Crack Cookies
  17. Kentucky // Snickerdoodle Cookies
  18. Louisiana // Italian Christmas Cookies
  19. Maine // Shortbread Cookies
  20. Maryland // Christmas Crack Cookies
  21. Massachusetts // M&M Cookies
  22. Michigan // M&M Cookies
  23. Minnesota // Crinkle Cookies
  24. Mississippi // Sugar Cookies
  25. Missouri // Snickerdoodle Cookies
  26. Montana // Peppermint Cookies
  27. Nebraska // Italian Christmas Cookies
  28. Nevada // Italian Christmas Cookies
  29. New Hampshire // Italian Christmas Cookies
  30. New Jersey // Ricotta Cookies
  31. New Mexico // Shortbread Cookies
  32. New York // Chocolate Peppermint Cookies
  33. North Carolina // No Bake Cookies
  34. North Dakota // Sugar Cookies
  35. Ohio // Cookie Bars
  36. Oklahoma // Gingerbread Cookies
  37. Oregon // Peppermint Cookies
  38. Pennsylvania // Sprinkle Cookies
  39. Rhode Island // Chocolate Crinkle Cookies
  40. South Carolina // Peanut Butter Cookies
  41. South Dakota // Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
  42. Tennessee // Almond Cookies
  43. Texas // Italian Christmas Cookies
  44. Utah // M&M Cookies
  45. Vermont // Italian Christmas Cookies
  46. Virginia // Thumbprint Cookies
  47. Washington // M&M Cookies
  48. West Virginia // Sugar Cookies
  49. Wisconsin // Spritz Cookies
  50. Wyoming // Peppermint Cookies