Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tooth in Eye

 Considering the procedure today's title could also be Eye Tooth, and now on with post. Osteo-odonto keratoprothesis, commonly known as tooth-in-eye surgery has been achieving some success in restoring vision. The procedure itself is a little grisly, first they have to harvest a tooth, usually a canine, then they shave it down to a rectangular layer and drill a hole in the center then install a tiny plastic telescopic lens in the dentine case then they implant it inside the patients cheek where it remain for a few months. The next surgery removes the scar tissue from the patients eye and replaces it with the healthy tissue from the cheek. The vision is improved enough to allow the patient to be able to drive so it's a big improvement. No idea if the eye can be made to look like an eye again but still better than being blind.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Move Over Tinder

 Who needs Tinder when a tree known as Bridegroom's Oak in northern Germany has been connecting lovers since 1892. The tree even has its own postal code which allows letter carriers to deliver the 50-60 letters it receives in a month. To get to the knothole the carriers have to climb a 10 foot ladder to reach the arboreal mailbox. Visitors to the tree can browse the missives for that special someone or maybe just a pen pal. The oak was first used for letters between a forester's daughter and a chocolate manufacturer. The father opposed the relationship so the couple left love letters in the knothole. They eventually won his permission and married under the oak in 1892. Just in case someone is feeling nostalgic the tree's address is: Bräutigamseiche, Dodauer Forst, 23701 Eutin, Germany

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Last Straw

 You've got to hand it to those innovative Oscar Meyer people, the Wienermobile, an unforgettable jingle (go ahead and sing it to yourself!), and now a hot dog straw! Actually the straw idea was stolen from a man at a sport's event who used a straw to hollow out his hot dog making it into a straw which he then used to drink his beer. That was back in 2022, in 2023 Oscar Meyer made their own hot dog straw out of silicon and offered it to the public for free, they can also be used over and over unlike the original one made of a real hot dog. Since it was a limited time offer I doubt you could still get a hot dog straw though you might get lucky and find one at a garage sale or similar outlet. 


Monday, March 3, 2025

Garbage Gals

 With around 900 freshwater ponds across Cape Cod, MA the 30 members of Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage manage to stay busy. The youngest of the group is 64, the founder of the group is 85. They started cleaning the ponds in 2018 and do around 20 ponds a year with crews of 12 per operation. First they need to scout the ponds to see what kind of garbage they will be dealing with the actual diving typically takes place between May and October. A crew consists of a wildlife scout on the lookout for snapping turtles and to guide others toward the trash, the divers and the garbage collector who paddles a canoe or kayak acting as a shuttle for the items brought to the surface. Their stated mission is to keep the wild areas wild. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Makes Scents

 Polish Potatoes isn't exactly a romantic name for a perfume and even though users claim it has incredible staying power it must be better than the cheap crap some folks choose to bath in. Polish Potatoes creator got the idea from remembered scents from the open air Polish markets of his childhood and the combined smells from the market. The scent is layered with pine, a whisper of rose, golden honey, hay, aged leather, wheat, beetroot, heliotrope, clove, patchouli, birch, earth notes, oud, amber, vanilla, all built around the humble potato. The price isn't exactly humble but it is far from the most expensive scents at $195 for a 50 ml crystal bottle the mixture claims to evoke pleasant memories and we could all use that. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Wild as a March Hare

The idiom, "mad as a March hare", describes someone acting wild, unpredictable, or eccentric like a European hare in mating season (March). 

3/1 Pig Day 

3/2 Dr. Seuss Day 

3/3 Simplify Your Life Day 

3/4 Hug a G.I. Day 

3/5 National Cheetos Day 

3/6 Slam the Scam Day 

3/7 National Be Heard Day 

3/8 National Peanut Cluster Day 

3/9 Panic Day 

3/10 International Bagpipe Day 

3/11 Dream 2025 Day 

3/12 Alfred Hitchcock Day 

3/13 World Kidney Day 

3/14 Save a Spider Day 

3/15 National Tequila Day 

3/16 National Panda Day 

3/17 National Slime Day 

3/18 National Sloppy Joe Day 

3/19 National Poultry Day 

3/20 World Frog Day 

3/21 Memory Day 

3/22 Be Mad Day 

3/23 National Tamale Day 

3/24 National Cocktail Day 

3/25 Pecan Day 

3/26 Purple Day 

3/27 World Cheese Day 

3/28 Weed Appreciation Day (nope, lawn type!)

3/29 Smoke and Mirrors Day 

3/30 Pencil Day 

3/31 Terri's Day!! 

Friday, February 28, 2025

AI Jesus

 Have you ever wondered how churches are keeping up with technological advances? A church in Switzerland decided to take out the middleman and allow worshipers to go straight to Jesus with their problems. They set up a confessional like space with a computer that projects a hologram of Jesus who speaks 100 different languages and so far has been giving acceptable advice, for the most part. Two thirds of the 1000 initial visitors described it as a spiritual experience while others found the avatars responses trite and repetitive. If they're going for entertainment they should have him say, "someone's going to hell" every tenth person or so, just for laughs.