Earlier this week I noticed a Nissan Juke,and at first I thought some auto body person had put a car together with parts from different cars,on closer inspection I realized that it was a brand new car even though to me it looked like a cross between a VW bug and and Edsel,like some giant picked up both cars and smashed them together into one. There are a few nice looking new cars but not as many as there have been in years past. And what happened to aerodynamics? The box cars, as I think of them could no way be aerodynamic,I am talking about for example the Nissan Cube. Is it just me or does it look like a kids drawing of a car? That style must be popular though as every brand seems to have their own box type car. Then there are the Smart Cars that seem like a good idea,but every time I see one I think there should be a telescopic handle on top,like a suitcase so you can take it with you on a flight as a carry on. Of course we all have different tastes which is what makes people so interesting,so with that said I hope no one takes offense at my opinions on the models I have mentioned.

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