I don't have much of a sweet tooth,but when I do crave something sweet it is always something specific. Red Velvet Cake is something that I want on occasion,there are several different configurations of chocolate that I want from time to time. The worst by far for me is Carrot Cake because you can't get it around here,at least not by the slice,unless you count the little squares that one convienence store sells but is usually out of. So that leaves 3 stores that you can buy a whole Carrot Cake at and one of those three is a Costco and needless to say the cake is massive. I don't want a whole cake of anything as I don't eat sweets that often and they never seem quite the same to me if they are frozen. For that same reason I don't want to make one,a whole cake is just to much for one person to eat in a timely manner. Here is the conspiracy part...When I finally decide I can't go on living another day without Carrot Cake I can't remember which of the three choices have the one with the cream cheese frosting,though I know Costco does or at least I think they do. I really think that they take turns making the kind I like so as to lessen my chances at getting the one I want. It seems to me that the only way to solve this dilema is to keep a Carrot Cake log,but that seems a little extreme just to insure a decent,pleasing piece of cake. I wonder if the women's shelter would be willing to take a cake with only a couple of pieces missing? I know they take bottles of shampoo that have been opened,I guess I will have to look into that it could just be the solution that I have been looking for,and that way I could buy cakes at each of the places and take what I don't like to the shelter.

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