I had a little jolt today as I was watching Millionaire. For the regular readers among you,you may recall a few months ago I wrote a blog about Wrigley's gum and how it had started as a give-a-way item to help sell the baking powder that Mr. Wrigley was peddling. Today on Millionaire that was the $250,000 question! Now I am wondering if one of their writers are reading my blog for question ideas? I would be flattered to say the least if that is the case. At this point (in case they are reading) I would like to mention that being a contestant is #1 on my "Bucket List",feel free to contact me per my appearance. I have passed the test before,but never received a call to come back for a taping. With that out of the way lets move on with today's blog.
There is so much information to be gleaned on Snoopy (beagle created byCharles Schultz for the Charlie Brown comic strip) it is nearly an insurmountable task,but what I am going to address today are Snoopy's siblings. I remember seeing several strips with his brother Spike,but I didn't know his mother's name was Missy,or that the rest of the brothers were named Andy,Olaf,Marbles, and Rover. He also has two sisters named Belle and Molly. Snoopy's fictional birthday is August 10th and he made his first appearance on October 4,1950 two days after the strip premiered. He was not given his name until November 10th. I may come back to Snoopy in the future,it is quite interesting how he evolved from his initial introduction.

There is so much information to be gleaned on Snoopy (beagle created byCharles Schultz for the Charlie Brown comic strip) it is nearly an insurmountable task,but what I am going to address today are Snoopy's siblings. I remember seeing several strips with his brother Spike,but I didn't know his mother's name was Missy,or that the rest of the brothers were named Andy,Olaf,Marbles, and Rover. He also has two sisters named Belle and Molly. Snoopy's fictional birthday is August 10th and he made his first appearance on October 4,1950 two days after the strip premiered. He was not given his name until November 10th. I may come back to Snoopy in the future,it is quite interesting how he evolved from his initial introduction.