Yesterday I left something out of the blog that I had intended to include. I made a comment relating to the Ostrich Pillow about pulling its head out of the sand and meant to take that opportunity to blast the myth that ostriches bury their heads in the sand. When threatened they either lie low to the ground so as to appear to be a mound of dirt,or they run away (they are the fastest two legged animal). The misunderstanding about burying their heads probably originated from watching them stick their heads in the sand to swallow sand and pebbles (to aid digestion) but they do not do it to hide.
Now that I cleared that up,on with today's blog.
Another famous mascot,Geoffrey the Giraffe, was officially born February 1960 but wasn't named until a naming contest was held in 1970. Before his "birth" in 1960 he was known as Dr. G. Raffe and represented Children's Bargain Town which later became Toys "R" Us. Here comes the part I didn't 1973 he was given a family,wife Gigi and daughter Baby Gee. In 1979 a son,Geoffrey Junior was added. The wife and kids do not enjoy center stage,so their appearances are limited.
Another aside for the trivia buffs among us,Giraffes have the highest blood pressure of any animal.

Now that I cleared that up,on with today's blog.
Another famous mascot,Geoffrey the Giraffe, was officially born February 1960 but wasn't named until a naming contest was held in 1970. Before his "birth" in 1960 he was known as Dr. G. Raffe and represented Children's Bargain Town which later became Toys "R" Us. Here comes the part I didn't 1973 he was given a family,wife Gigi and daughter Baby Gee. In 1979 a son,Geoffrey Junior was added. The wife and kids do not enjoy center stage,so their appearances are limited.
Another aside for the trivia buffs among us,Giraffes have the highest blood pressure of any animal.
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