I was thinking about gallows humor,which I have in spades,and was wondering if anyone ever died of it? The name basically implies a certain risk. I didn't find out about anyone that died because of it but there are some humorous (at least to me!) last words.
Just as I had always assumed,gallows humor is a reaction to stressful,traumatic or life threatening situations. Freud's theory about gallows humor was the ego refuses to be distressed by reality,so instead it insists by way of humor,that it is not affected. Gallows humor also helps the morale of the oppressed.
Now a few last word quotes. A murderer was heard to say at his execution as he looked at the trapdoor on the gallows "Are you sure it's safe?" In another case of a murderer named James French,his last words before death by electric chair,"How's this for a headline? 'French Fries'."
Did anyone catch my bad pun from the title in relation to the subject?

Just as I had always assumed,gallows humor is a reaction to stressful,traumatic or life threatening situations. Freud's theory about gallows humor was the ego refuses to be distressed by reality,so instead it insists by way of humor,that it is not affected. Gallows humor also helps the morale of the oppressed.
Now a few last word quotes. A murderer was heard to say at his execution as he looked at the trapdoor on the gallows "Are you sure it's safe?" In another case of a murderer named James French,his last words before death by electric chair,"How's this for a headline? 'French Fries'."
Did anyone catch my bad pun from the title in relation to the subject?

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