Today's post was a bit of a stretch to tie together and it is entirely possible I will be the only one to understand the connection,but here it goes anyway!
I have been trying to contact a friend (who is also a carpenter) for several days to see about some repair work. He has never had much use for phones which makes contacting him a challenge. When he didn't answer again today I idly wondered if he was okay,but dismissed that thought and told myself not to be a worry wart. My next thought was what a weird phrase worry wart was and I wondered how it came about. As often is the case there isn't a clear answer,but one suggestion was a handbook found in mental hospitals used it to describe exceptionally neurotic patients (1956). Another possibility was a 1950s comic strip (Out Our Way) featuring a character named Worry Wart,though it may have been in use before either of those publications.
Next I want to ask you what you mentally connect to warts...NO,not frogs! witches. Shortly after the worry wart episode I discovered that the Salem,MA police department has a witch on a broom as its logo. See,I told you it was a stretch! As a reward for your time I wrote a limerick for your enjoyment.
We all have our moments of worry
They make trouble and cause us to hurry.
But no need for a frown,
Don't let it get you down,
Or your sanity will be gone in a flurry!

I have been trying to contact a friend (who is also a carpenter) for several days to see about some repair work. He has never had much use for phones which makes contacting him a challenge. When he didn't answer again today I idly wondered if he was okay,but dismissed that thought and told myself not to be a worry wart. My next thought was what a weird phrase worry wart was and I wondered how it came about. As often is the case there isn't a clear answer,but one suggestion was a handbook found in mental hospitals used it to describe exceptionally neurotic patients (1956). Another possibility was a 1950s comic strip (Out Our Way) featuring a character named Worry Wart,though it may have been in use before either of those publications.
Next I want to ask you what you mentally connect to warts...NO,not frogs! witches. Shortly after the worry wart episode I discovered that the Salem,MA police department has a witch on a broom as its logo. See,I told you it was a stretch! As a reward for your time I wrote a limerick for your enjoyment.
We all have our moments of worry
They make trouble and cause us to hurry.
But no need for a frown,
Don't let it get you down,
Or your sanity will be gone in a flurry!
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