Things are really different in other parts of the world and today's post will reveal one such difference. A 62 year old man went on a TV dating show (in Turkey) looking for a new wife. He causally mentioned he had murdered his first wife and later killed a lover with an ax. He and his first wife (also his cousin) had eloped when they were 17 to save her from an arranged marriage. He said she changed after five months living with his family and when the nephew of the man she was supposed to marry started coming around he got jealous and killed her. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison and released after serving 4 years. He married his second wife and fathered two children,then began an affair with a married woman. The woman decided she wasn't leaving her husband for him,they got into an argument and he "accidentally" killed her when he swung an ax. I dated some less than savory fellows in my time,but I draw the line at ax murderers!

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