I spent a fair bit of time reading about today's post thinking that at some point it would make sense to me,but once again I was wrong. A West Virginia woman was all set to celebrate her 25th birthday but when she went to break out her 3.5 oz. marijuana stash to begin the festivities it was missing. She promptly called the police to report the missing drugs,telling them she thought her boyfriend was hiding it from her and that his brother may have taken it in his Adidas sport bag. She further went on to explain she needed to sell some of the drugs to buy herself a birthday treat. Okay,now I will tell you my take on this event...the woman thought she lived in a state where pot is legal (she was too stoned to realize she didn't),she was both stoned and stupid,or she really thought since it was her birthday all bets were off. I still have no idea what she thought was going to happen,it must be terribly difficult to think clearly with your head that far up your butt.

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