The regular readers among you will attest to the fact that I have a propensity to feature Florida happenings on a regular basis since there seems to be no end to the odd things that go on there (maybe it's something in the water?). Today's post will take some of the heat off not only Florida but the rest of the US as well. A man in Humpty Doo, Australia (yes that is really the name!) called the police to complain that his father had burned his cannabis plants. The son had recently moved back into his father's home and they had an argument about his plants so the dad burned them. When the son discovered his plants in ashes he called the police and admitted he had been illegally growing marijuana just so he could report his father's actions. The police were unable to press charges as the evidence had been burned and of course the father hadn't done anything illegal. Sounds to me like another case of the entitled children refusing to grow up. I wonder where he is going to live now?

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