I'm going to file today's post under facts that are stranger than fiction. A 4-5 foot long alligator in South Carolina has been nicknamed "Trump-a-gator" because of its unusual orange coloring. A herpetologist offered some possible explanations for the odd color: algae,or some pollutant in the water,iron oxide (rust) from a culvert where it might be staying or high iron content in the water. Whatever is causing the odd coloration it is one strange looking dude!
If I'm missing in action tomorrow not to worry I have earmarked that day to do my taxes and I may be either too crabby to do a post or just plain tired of being on the computer.

If I'm missing in action tomorrow not to worry I have earmarked that day to do my taxes and I may be either too crabby to do a post or just plain tired of being on the computer.

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