The things being done in just about every field with the aid of computers never cease to amaze me but that is the wonder of the age we live in. As some of you will know I enjoy a good marketing ploy and the one Snoqualmie Falls Brewing is using on its pale ale may be a first in the animated variety,at least it is the first I've heard of. The label features a picture of the falls near the brewery but once you download an app for you phone and hold it over the label it comes to life with different scenes and sound effects. A murder of crows flies over the falls,a brewer plunges over the falls in a barrel and a salmon tries to leap to the top. It all seems terribly futuristic but I guess we are at that place in time. Still it makes a person wonder if a few beers had been consumed what effect it might have on the consumer. I feel compelled to download the app just to check out the label next time I go to the store.

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