Travel gets more confusing with more restrictions every time I choose to fly. The new restriction (at least when leaving Maui) was to remove any consumables from your carry on luggage and put them in a bin,though they didn't seem overly concerned about toiletries as they used to be so apparently there are some rogue crackers they intend to intercept before they can do damage,but hey,at least it made the lines longer. They have also stepped up their game on the foods offered in flight to include packaging that can't be penetrated without either a sharp object or some kind of blast,both of which are prohibited. Then there is the way they announce that you cannot consume your own alcohol in flight which if taken literally would mean even if you bought their alcoholic beverages you wouldn't be able to drink them because they would then be "your" alcohol. It may seem like I'm unhappy with my recent trip,but that isn't the least bit true I just find it amusing that they don't seem to think through some of their business plans.

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