I read an article earlier about a 12 year old calling 911 because he was served a salad that he didn't want, when authorities didn't arrive soon enough to please him he called again asking when they would be there. A 12 year old should know better than to use an emergency number so frivolously which I consider the fault of the guardians,so they should be fined and if they finally feel like stepping up to the parenting plate they can have the 12 year old pay them back for the amount they were fined. That brings me to another sore spot. Hardly a day goes by when there isn't someone wanting to know why their children aren't taught to balance a checkbook or change a tire (and similar skills) in school,I have a better question,"why aren't you teaching your kids anything at home?" I know I didn't learn either balancing a checkbook or changing a tire in school,and frankly teachers today are much more restricted in subject matter than they were when I was in school.

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