Mikhail Galin had planned to fly with his cat Viktor from Moscow to Vladivostok but when it came time to check into the flight Viktor was over the airlines weight limit of 17.6 lbs. Viktor and his carrier's combined weight was 22lbs,so Mikhail canceled their flight. Mikhail then hatched a plan to get a look a like cat to weigh in then switch that cat for Viktor. The plan went off without a hitch that is until Mikhail had to post about the success on social media. The airline kicked Mikhail out of their loyalty program and stripped him of his frequent flyer miles. I have a couple of questions about this whole affair,where was Viktor stashed and what happened to the look a like cat once they checked in? Not to mention airlines now monitor social media to see if people brag about cheating their airline? Plus if Russian airline rules are the same as the US any pets (other than service animals) must remain in their carriers for the duration of the flight.

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