The regular readers among you may recall around the end of January a post about Eclipse a lab mix who took herself to the dog park and back on the bus. Today's post is about a dachshund named Frank who slipped away from home,sneaked onto a bus unknown to the driver and made his way to the beach 18 miles from his home. Meanwhile his owner noticed he was missing and formed a search party of friends and neighbors and posted on social media hoping to locate Frank. A rider on the bus finally noticed Frank and asked the driver if he knew where the dog had come from. They discussed what they should do and the man said he would take him home with him then contact a vet to have him scanned for a chip the next day. Later that evening he noticed a post on Facebook pleading for information. He contacted the woman and Frank was reunited with his family later that night. Another happy ending,but when did dogs learn about riding buses? What am I missing?

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