I don't know what happens if you Google naval though if you Google navel you are only offered a couple of choices then it offers naval. This started early in the day when I came across the word omphaloskepsis which means the contemplation of one's navel for the purpose of meditation. That in turn reminded me of a series of books I read in my early 20s by Carlos Castaneda who based the books on peyote trips he took with an Indian shaman. His theory in the books if I recall correctly was the navel as the source of spirituality,or something like that,they were fairly far out there. Then of course no navel search gets by without some mention of whether Adam and Eve had navels which according to the bible they did not though Adam's navel is clearly visible in "The Creation" which brings about another question...why is God wearing clothes? Weren't they theoretically not invented yet?

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