Drinks are on me! I completed my taxes earlier today and they are e-filed and out of my hair for another year. It took over 2 hours but some of that time did include breaks to keep my ever so fragile sanity intact. Now if we can all keep our fingers crossed that I don't get audited I can truly relax until this time again next year. I would like to make a comment on how time consuming this whole process is,first of all you have to keep track all year of anything that you will need to prepare your taxes,then when you actually sit down to do the act they insist on asking the same questions 20 different ways...do they think that you are going to change your mind on the answers? Then in the case of this year I had high medical expenses to deduct so I have to worry over an audit,do the people holding political offices have these same worries? Maybe before they get elected,but afterwards? I really doubt it,and they certainly make more money than I do with my pension. I am not complaining this year,that is if I actually get back what was calculated that was due back to me,we will see how it plays out.

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