I didn't set out to blog about Valentine's Day,I was curious where the phrase "hand in marriage" came from,but could find next to nothing about the odd saying. The only morsel I managed to ferret out was one persons guess that it came from handfasting, which is a trial marriage that lasts a years time.
I was surprised to learn that Valentine's Day goes way back,I had always thought it was one of the more recent holidays. There were two martyrs named Valentine that were perhaps the earliest to have February 14 honoring them. It was first established in 496AD and later deleted from General Roman Calendar of saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI.
The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates approximately 190 million valentines are sent each year in the U.S.,that number goes up to 1 billion when valentine exchange in schools are included.
Valentine circa 1900-1910
Childrens valentine circa 1950
I was surprised to learn that Valentine's Day goes way back,I had always thought it was one of the more recent holidays. There were two martyrs named Valentine that were perhaps the earliest to have February 14 honoring them. It was first established in 496AD and later deleted from General Roman Calendar of saints in 1969 by Pope Paul VI.
The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates approximately 190 million valentines are sent each year in the U.S.,that number goes up to 1 billion when valentine exchange in schools are included.
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