"Island Girl" is a song performed by Elton John and went to number 1 on Billboard Hot 100 in the US. It was released September 29,1975.
Oak Island is a 140 acre island on the south shore of Nova Scotia,Canada. It is privately owned and advance permission is required for visitation. Oak Island is the location of the Money Pit and the site of over 200 years of treasure hunting.
There are two schools of thought on the Money Pit,the popular theory is treasure was buried by Captain Kidd or possibly Blackbeard (Edward Teach) who claimed he had buried treasure "where none but Satan and myself can find it." There are several other speculations on the who and what of the treasure. In several attempts artifacts have been found,one of these was a cipher stone which a researcher said to have translated to read "Forty feet below 2 million pounds is buried."
Although I would really rather believe the buried treasure theory,I'm afraid I have to side with the natural sinkhole theory on this one. After weighing both sides of the story it seems more likely than a booby trapped pirate treasure...Rats,foiled again!

Oak Island is a 140 acre island on the south shore of Nova Scotia,Canada. It is privately owned and advance permission is required for visitation. Oak Island is the location of the Money Pit and the site of over 200 years of treasure hunting.
There are two schools of thought on the Money Pit,the popular theory is treasure was buried by Captain Kidd or possibly Blackbeard (Edward Teach) who claimed he had buried treasure "where none but Satan and myself can find it." There are several other speculations on the who and what of the treasure. In several attempts artifacts have been found,one of these was a cipher stone which a researcher said to have translated to read "Forty feet below 2 million pounds is buried."
Although I would really rather believe the buried treasure theory,I'm afraid I have to side with the natural sinkhole theory on this one. After weighing both sides of the story it seems more likely than a booby trapped pirate treasure...Rats,foiled again!
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