"Purple Haze" was written and recorded by Jimi Hendrix in 1967. There are a surprising amount of songs with purple in the title. The first one I remember is "Purple People Eater", written and performed by Sheb Wooley and reaching #1 on Billboard pop charts in 1958.
I decided on today's blog subject because I am wearing a purple on purple tie-dyed shirt and remembering neighbors from long ago that used the phrase "hate with a purple passion" and thought there might be other interesting phrases associated with the color. I never found any reference to that particular phrase but I take it to mean intense. Then there is purple patch or prose which is basically the literary equivalent of adding a patch of purple material to a plain garment,in the 20th century the meaning was expanded to mean a period of good fortune or creativity. In the 1960s hippies took to wearing purple velvet and patching jeans with it. Hendrix purple is a recognized shade of dye in the fashion industry. Purple,green and gold are the colors of Mardi Gras (what a party!). Purple has long been considered the color of royalty,and of course the Purple Heart is a US military decoration given to soldiers wounded in battle.

I decided on today's blog subject because I am wearing a purple on purple tie-dyed shirt and remembering neighbors from long ago that used the phrase "hate with a purple passion" and thought there might be other interesting phrases associated with the color. I never found any reference to that particular phrase but I take it to mean intense. Then there is purple patch or prose which is basically the literary equivalent of adding a patch of purple material to a plain garment,in the 20th century the meaning was expanded to mean a period of good fortune or creativity. In the 1960s hippies took to wearing purple velvet and patching jeans with it. Hendrix purple is a recognized shade of dye in the fashion industry. Purple,green and gold are the colors of Mardi Gras (what a party!). Purple has long been considered the color of royalty,and of course the Purple Heart is a US military decoration given to soldiers wounded in battle.
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