I know,3 days in a row on the subject of dogs,but that is just the way things have unfolded,bear with me I think you will agree it is worth it.
I don't know if automatic transmissions still have a position marked DD or not as I rarely drive an automatic. It doesn't seem like they do, if I recall correctly,they are marked PRNLD & D2 and so on with minor variance. The reason I mention that is back in the mid 1980s a friend and myself both had uncommonly clever dogs and we would tell each other stories about what our dogs could do. The friend's dog would always claim the driver's seat as soon as she left the vehicle (I think they do this to sit in the warm spot or maybe just for the scent?) and she claimed he was teaching himself to drive,that was what the DD position on the shift lever stood for...Dog Drive.
Fast forward to today...in New Zealand a campaign started by the SPCA to clear up misconceptions about adopting older dogs,they have been teaching dogs to drive! They figure by showing the public that an old dog can learn new tricks,will make them more adoptable. They hope that the dogs achievements behind the wheel will show the potential these animals possess for being good pets. So far the dogs have driven only with human (mostly verbal) guidance,however next week one star pupil will try a solo trip.
I am not really too surprised by this,but I can't help but wonder how you would list them on your insurance?
WATCH: New Zealand Dogs Learn How to Drive
I don't know if automatic transmissions still have a position marked DD or not as I rarely drive an automatic. It doesn't seem like they do, if I recall correctly,they are marked PRNLD & D2 and so on with minor variance. The reason I mention that is back in the mid 1980s a friend and myself both had uncommonly clever dogs and we would tell each other stories about what our dogs could do. The friend's dog would always claim the driver's seat as soon as she left the vehicle (I think they do this to sit in the warm spot or maybe just for the scent?) and she claimed he was teaching himself to drive,that was what the DD position on the shift lever stood for...Dog Drive.
Fast forward to today...in New Zealand a campaign started by the SPCA to clear up misconceptions about adopting older dogs,they have been teaching dogs to drive! They figure by showing the public that an old dog can learn new tricks,will make them more adoptable. They hope that the dogs achievements behind the wheel will show the potential these animals possess for being good pets. So far the dogs have driven only with human (mostly verbal) guidance,however next week one star pupil will try a solo trip.
I am not really too surprised by this,but I can't help but wonder how you would list them on your insurance?
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