Not long ago I mentioned all the super caffeinated energy drinks on the market,and wondered how healthy they were. I didn't consider the other end of the spectrum,natural sleep aids. Several years ago L-Tryptophane (the amino acid found in turkey that makes you sleepy) was taken off the market because it was thought to be linked to some deaths,it was brought back to the shelves later on, apparently cleared of the crimes. Melatonin (a hormone) is another natural sleep aid which is usually taken in a pill form. Apparently someone came up the the idea of making brownies with melatonin and calling them Lazy Cakes (also sold as Kush Cakes and Lulla Pies). My first thought when I heard that was," wouldn't the chocolate in the brownies cancel out the affects of the melatonin?" There was trouble down the road for Lazy Cakes. Since children are drawn to brownies it was only a matter of time before the FDA was called in. Children have higher melatonin levels so it is not a recommended supplement for them. Overdose of melatonin is rare,but without any warning on the packaging,and considering the delicious brownie delivery system it was an accident waiting to happen. Melatonin should not be used by pregnant women,women on birth control pills or people with high blood pressure,it also reacts with certain prescription drugs...and since it is a sleep related supplement do they really need to add may cause drowsiness?

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