Today's blog is yet another prompted by a question on Millionaire that I found surprising. Target stores (400 worldwide,not every store) have their own forensics lab,it started as an in store lab to combat shoplifting,fraud and personal injury cases,70% of the lab time is still spent on in store crimes,but police departments often turn to Target for help as not only is their equipment more up to date and extensive,they are also certified in the same way the FBI,state and other forensic labs are certified,plus they can do the work more quickly. Many of the labs personnel are former law enforcement officers. But wait! There's case you are wondering what financial impact this has on the overburdened law enforcement budgets,the answer is none! All they ask for in return for their services is a patch from the police departments they help. The main office in Brooklyn Park,Minnesota where the first Target lab was established has 136 patches on display. I say hats off to Target!

This is so cool! I had no idea.