Last week (2/6) the Postal Service announced its plan to discontinue Saturday delivery on 8/5/2013. They expect to save $2 billion a year with this cut. I don't think it will have much impact on the general public,as the service isn't all that reliable to begin with (thus the nickname Snail Mail),but I wonder about the elderly that are living on a shoestring and how it might affect them? I imagine there are a number of people that have never been able to afford a computer that one less day of mail delivery might be an extreme inconvenience. Never mind that Obama is meanwhile promising to create jobs and this move will impact 22,500 jobs. Part of the plan is to use more part time workers,the flaw with that being that people trying to raise families will lose out on work since part time work tends to not be family friendly. Congress still may step in and thwart the plan but the current Postmaster General didn't see that as a likely problem. I guess we will see in time if this is a solution to the losses they suffer on a yearly basis.

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