I bet that title got your attention! (You know who you are). The title was meant to be a take on James Bond and all of his cool gadgets,so if you were expecting something else read no further. I read about a camera revolver and thought what will they think of next? I couldn't have been more off base with that thought as the Revolver camera was created in 1938. Not much is known of its history other than that. The idea was for the shooter to be able to capture a photo of the target on impact,but why? Sounds like something straight out of Spy vs Spy. The device itself is a tiny camera mounted on the underside of the barrel and the front of the trigger guard of a Colt .38 so the revolver would fire and the shutter would trip simultaneously. It would not be much of a surprise for a device like this to be found in today's times but in 1938...I wonder what else we don't know about those times?

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