I was just reading about the cause of hangovers and thought it would be a good time to share the information in light of the holiday parties happening this time of year.The alcohol that makes you drunk is ethanol,the thing responsible for the hangover is a by product of fermentation,methanol. A general rule of thumb is to avoid dark colored and fruity drinks (whiskey,brandy,cognac and red wine). Vodka contains very little if any (depending on brand) methanol. Enzymes in the body convert methanol to formaldehyde which cause the hangover. The enzymes prefer ethanol,that is why if you have some "hair of the dog" (a drink to cure the hangover) the enzymes go for the ethanol allowing the methanol to be excreted from your body. As long as I'm passing out drinking advice,remember not to drink and drive,it can be way worse than any hangover you'll ever have!

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