I am continually surprised by the number of inventions whose purposes are either questionable or bordering on nefarious. The Wine Rack Bra isn't a brand new concept but it makes a person wonder about the intention behind the invention. The device is for carrying your own adult beverage and I understand some people don't want to pay for the overpriced beverages available at events,but would they also be inclined to make use of it in areas where adult beverages were prohibited? and what about underage drinkers? There is no mention of any insulation factor so I assume when you first donned it the beverage bladder would be icy cold against your chest but as you wore it the beverage would become body temperature...yuck! Another selling point that is stressed is if you are wear an A cup bra you can appear to be a DD cup when the drink bladder is full,and when it is empty it can be blown into to give you the same DD look. It doesn't sound like much of a bargain ($29.95) to me,it sounds more likely to be an inconvenience.

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