I believe I wrote a blog a year or maybe two years ago about the bee rescue service I offer to the bees trapped on my front porch. To summarize for those who may have missed it,the bees fly into the 3/4 enclosed porch and can't find their way back out so using a jar and a stiff piece of paper I capture and release the bees so they can continue their important bee work. The other day I read that bees have the ability to count in that they recognize patterns of up to 4 dots or marks. The study proving this had controls in place to insure the bees weren't using color,smell or any other clues. So here is my question...what kind of signs do I need to make to either tell the bees not to enter,or instruct them how to exit once they are trapped on the porch? and what size do you figure these signs should be? All these studies leave so many questions unanswered!

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