I guess bears are a common problem this time of year in areas with large bear populations,but I can't help but wonder if part of the problems are'nt caused by those people who can't seem to resist feeding wild animals. It has certainly caused a deer over population where I live as they have twins every year since their food supply is above average and of course they can't be hunted within the city limits so it is up to mother nature to send down a plague to get their numbers under control,that or the mountain lions will follow their prey and grab a few domesticated treats as long as they are in town. But once again I digress...I started out about a bear in Colorado who opened the door of an SUV climbed in and set to chewing up the interior which also included the gear shift lever. The vehicle was shifted out of park and rolled across the road crashing into a tree. The park and wildlife officers were called to get the uninjured bear out of the SUV,but the vehicle's owner didn't think his insurance covered bears chewing it up...maybe it could be counted as an act of God?

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