I am so with the cows on this,nothing is worse than artificial scents that so many people feel the need to marinate themselves in. A Portland,Maine woman who is a maker of natural scents got the idea when she read about a Canadian farmer who started having trouble with his cows after his wife changed laundry detergents so he started changing into dirty clothes before tending the cows and the problem was solved. Cows have an extraordinary sense of smell and can smell scents up to 6 miles away. Let's face it the scented laundry supplies that are supposed to smell like laundry dried outdoors are obviously made by people who have never smelled line dried laundry. The woman blended several natural oils until she hit on a balance of woody,earthen musk. She then field tested it on cows and it was a hit,even increasing milk production. She named it "Farmer's Cologne" and it sells for $110 a bottle.

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