Has the world slipped its last cog? It seems like everywhere a person turns there is more hate and conflict,a literal tinder box of negative emotions seems to have descended on our planet like a heavy impenetrable fog. Today's post is further example of how far out of hand things are. Two women in L.A. had a slight fender bender which quickly escalated into a fistfight then they began ramming each other with their vehicles,of course by the time police arrived damage had been done including a fire hydrant being ran down and spewing water. Naturally the women both gave their own version of how the situation evolved,but seriously it seems like everyone's fuses have burnt down at the same time. Perhaps it is time for me to stick my head back in the sand for awhile.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Love Most Fowl
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has issued warning about kissing your fowl friends as backyard farming has become more popular. 53 salmonella outbreaks linked to live poultry caused sickness in 2,700 people. Unfortunately this includes the cute and cuddly baby chicks. The CDC urges parents to make sure children wash their hands after handling any poultry and to never allow the fowl into your home. Guess this means I will reconsider getting a chicken coop as I would be prone to over handling. Back to the drawing board.

Monday, November 28, 2016
The More Things Change
Things really do stay the same,for instance this latest fad (for lack of a better word) of mannequin challenges claims to have been started in Jacksonville,FL at Edward H. White High School. Odd thing is it seems almost exactly like a game we played when I was a child,it was called "freeze tag". About every generation someone trots out a toy or trend that was around 50 years ago and claims it as their own. It should be flattering to my generation since imitation is the sincerest form or flattery but I find it a little irritating when they take our old tried and trues and without the merest backward glance try to pass them off as their own "new" or "latest" thing. Then again it could be the old and crabby part of me who put this out there.

Sunday, November 27, 2016
Now That's Drunk
I was feeling kind of like I was picking on Florida since a lot of posts feature strange happenings from the Sunshine State,then I thought wait a minute it's not like I'm down there making people do stupid things,plus I think there was only one other Florida related post this month. This time a 28 year old man left an Orlando strip club around 2:15 a.m.,got into his pickup leaving his door ajar,fell out and ran over his own leg. Like any good drunk he sensed he was in trouble so he beat a hasty retreat leaving the truck to fend for itself. The truck continued on until it ran into a house injuring a woman sleeping in her bed. The whole scenario was caught on surveillance video plus the man had left his license at the club so the police had no problem locating the man. He was charged with leaving the scene of an accident.

Saturday, November 26, 2016
Some people claim that they don't dream but it is more likely that they don't remember their dreams as not dreaming at all is rare. You regular readers know I am prone to vivid dreams and I had one of them last night. When I first woke from the dream I was elated from being reunited with Scruffy one of my deceased pets,then when the realization surfaced it was nearly as bad as losing him all over again. Next I usually try to go back to sleep to continue the dream but that seldom works. Of course the same feeling applies to dreaming about people who have died,the joy of being with them again and the agony of losing them all over again. Scruffy was an Amazon Spectacled Parrot,he talked but would only say "Scruffy loves Mary" when I wasn't in the room to hear him,and who knows? Maybe my friends only told me he said that,but I sorely miss him.

Friday, November 25, 2016
Call Me a Pessimist
It is entirely possible that I'm missing a key part of this handy-dandy invention and it will become the best thing since sliced bread but (you knew a but was coming,or perhaps in this case a butt) first of all it seems like a whole new level of lazy,then again I suppose some of the more squeamish among us could argue that point. Before I get to my other reasons I guess I should introduce the item in question,the Piqapoo,a device that attaches under your dog's tail to catch the poop before it even hits the ground. Okay,on with my other reasons...picture if you will a dog needing to go for a walk and keeping still while you put on the Piqapoo,sure they might eventually get used to it but it seems like an unnecessary struggle,so now you have the Piqapoo in place and OH NO,the dog has diarrhea! Doesn't it seem likely that would be a bigger mess to clean up? One more thought before I leave you to ponder the pros and cons,what if the dog sits before you can remove the filled Piqapoo? Once again a bigger mess. They raised over their goal of $15,000 on Kickstarter and the 443 backers will be able to purchase their own Piqapoo for $29 in early 2017.

Thursday, November 24, 2016
Be Thankful
I'm not doing my regular thing today as I want to watch the National Dog Show at the time I normally whip up a post so instead I thought I would take this opportunity to remind everyone to reflect on the things in their lives that they are thankful for even those readers who don't live in the US and aren't celebrating the holiday. Personally I'm thankful that (to steal Scarlet's words) "tomorrow is another day" because this one has been one of those awkward days where everything I touch goes awry, like trying to put trash in the receptacle under the sink and bumping my hand and dropping it on the floor and numerous other mishaps. Happy Thanksgiving,enjoy your day!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Today's offering is a mixture of the unusual thoughts I had in the last 24 hours while my vehicle was in the shop having its heater core replaced which on that model is a 9 hour surgical process. I generally don't do a lot of driving in the course of a day,but that feeling of not being able to if I needed to is not a comfortable one. I woke up several times in the night to the sound of torrential rain and wondered why the weather forecasters didn't just adopt the phrase serial rain storms instead of trying to come up with different terms for the same thing. The last thing I want to mention today is an ad I saw on Facebook and thought it was a poor choice for the product and in fact left the use wide open for either the idiot factor or the English as a second language people. The product was named "Tear Mender" which is meant to repair upholstery,but what if someone didn't realize the word tear was a homonym and decided they could use it on their children when they were crying to fix their tears? No need to call anyone for me,I will be reporting to the nearest rubber room before you can hit speed dial.

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