Today's offering is a mixture of the unusual thoughts I had in the last 24 hours while my vehicle was in the shop having its heater core replaced which on that model is a 9 hour surgical process. I generally don't do a lot of driving in the course of a day,but that feeling of not being able to if I needed to is not a comfortable one. I woke up several times in the night to the sound of torrential rain and wondered why the weather forecasters didn't just adopt the phrase serial rain storms instead of trying to come up with different terms for the same thing. The last thing I want to mention today is an ad I saw on Facebook and thought it was a poor choice for the product and in fact left the use wide open for either the idiot factor or the English as a second language people. The product was named "Tear Mender" which is meant to repair upholstery,but what if someone didn't realize the word tear was a homonym and decided they could use it on their children when they were crying to fix their tears? No need to call anyone for me,I will be reporting to the nearest rubber room before you can hit speed dial.

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