Even though I don't normally post items on the same subject two days in a row I just can't help myself this time. Many of you readers probably figured the guy yesterday would be November's dumb criminal of the month,but wait,today's criminals may have him beat! These two men ages 46 and 38 (both old enough to know better) took a taxi to rob a home,asked the driver to wait,came out with a TV,some booze and a few other items then had the taxi take them back to their apartment where they got out of the cab and left without paying their fare. Can you guess where this is going? The driver called the police who came and retrieved the duo,returned the stolen goods to their rightful owner and charged the men with burglary, conspiracy to commit burglary, criminal trespassing and theft. Their bail was set at $20,000. The moral of the story is "always pay the getaway driver".

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