Originally I was going to do a post about a restaurant in NYC that is using Cheetos as an ingredient in all their dishes but thinking of Cheetos made me think of the train wreck happening with the head Cheeto and I found it was time to purge my brain...again. Before I get started on the meat of the subject,shouldn't they change the phrase "intelligence briefing" until such a time when it once again applies? Now,on to my theory,I have finally made a bit of sense of why Trump supporters continue to give their support to someone so undeserving. The die hard supporters are either abused (mentally or physically) or are abusers themselves making them oblivious to Trump's abusive actions. As a case in point one supporter recently posted a reminder on Facebook to alert parents that school would soon be starting so make sure your children knew to report bullying. I'm not sure if the intent was to grade how well they were being bullied,or to encourage them to be the bully but either way it doesn't add up to continued Trump support if they are anti-bullying. I also wonder if any of his supporters read or if all their information comes from FOX news?

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