Unless you live in a cave you've probably heard about the new trend in cocktails,"stocktails" which are made with both animal stock and bone broth. But wait! There's more! As you may have read on this very blog KFC has been expanding their marketing in some unexpected ways...KFC smartphones,streetwear and bath bombs,so it should come at no surprise that they welcomed the idea of their gravy being used to make stocktails. I can imagine a Bloody Mary made with gravy but the other concoctions just don't do it for me. A Southern Twist,for example,is Kentucky bourbon with gravy, brown sugar and parsley rubbed on the rim of the glass. UGH.

The Gravy Mary
- 50ml Vodka
- 20ml KFC gravy
- Spice mix: 20ml Worcester sauce, three drops Tabasco, three grinds white pepper, pinch of celery salt, pinch of paprika, half teaspoon horseradish cream
- 15ml Fresh lemon juice
- 90ml Tomato juice
- To garnish: celery, Popcorn Chicken
- To create the spice mix pour Tabasco sauce, Worcester sauce, white pepper, celery salt, paprika and horseradish cream into a tall glass. Cover firmly and shake.
- Add vodka to the spice mix and pour in the lemon juice, tomato juice and mix again.
- Add in KFC gravy into the mix, stir all of the ingredients together and pour into a fresh highball glass.
- Finish with celery and a small skewer of popcorn chicken.
- The Finger Lickin’ SourIngredients:
- 100ml KFC Gravy
- 400ml Mezcal
- 15ml Cherry liqueur
- 25ml Fresh lemon juice
- 10ml Orange marmalade
- Pinch of salt
- Pinch of pepper
- One egg white
- To garnish: thyme sprig
Method:- Pour the mezcal and the KFC gravy into a tall glass. Cover firmly and shake.
- Place the glass into the freezer and freeze for three hours.
- Once frozen, pour the gravy-infused mezcal through a strainer and clean cloth into a fresh glass.
- Squeeze the lemon into the glass, add the marmalade, salt, pepper and egg white then shake again.
- Pour the cocktail mixture into a Martini glass and sprinkle with thyme to finish
The Southern TwistIngredients:- 50ml Kentucky Bourbon
- 60ml Fresh hot KFC gravy
- Two grinds black pepper
- Two teaspoons granulated brown sugar
- Four teaspoons dried parsley
- To garnish: parsley and brown sugar rim
Method:- Chop the parsley and mix with the brown sugar in a bowl.
- Cut the lemon and coat the rim of the glass with it.
- Dip the rim of the glass into the chopped parsley and brown sugar mixture/
- Add ice cubes and Kentucky Bourbon to your rocks glass.
- Finally pour KFC gravy into the glass then give it a mix.
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