No I'm not referring to the dip shit in chief's latest social gaff,in fact I'm so embarrassed to think he is the leader of our once great country that I try to avoid mentioning him at all. What I am talking about is the crazy "Tide Pod Challenge" which involves teenagers eating the detergent pods and filming it. Though Tide is the favored pod other brands are being ingested as well. Of course warnings have been issued both by medical professionals and Tide but the teens say it is hard to resist the bright colors and squishy texture. Seriously? There is no way they taste pleasant and never mind they can make a person quite sick. As an age group we did some crazy things as teens but nothing that compares with this. Oh,and if Tide is so concerned why don't they pull them from the market? It's not likely to kill anyone to pour or even scoop detergent to was their clothes,though the pods could possibly kill a teen seeking attention.

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