Distracted driving seems to have taken on a life of its own and as laws are passed prohibiting one distraction another distraction is waiting in the wings to take the next opening. I feel compelled to say that no one is so important that they need to be on the phone while they're driving,there was a saying before phone message recorders or cell phones that if it was important they would call back,the same holds true today. But I digress as this distraction is not about phones,it is about a couple on a Taiwan highway having sex at 40 mph,seriously NOTHING is as important as the task at hand when you are behind the wheel. The only fortunate thing about this particular debauchery was the passenger in the other car filmed the couple rather than the driver. If the couple had been stopped they would have only faced a fine of between $814 and $952 depending on which currency you calculated with,I figured it would be the same amount but there was a difference between British pounds and TWD,no idea why that would be.

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