The latest challenge among teens actually started about 5 years ago but has recently resurfaced,it isn't quite as bad a chowing down on Tide Pods,though it is close. Who would have thought that when teens got a hold of condoms they would snort them?? They are in search of their 15 minutes of fame by filming themselves with a condom going up their nose and coming out their mouths and putting the video on YouTube. They have been warned that many things can go wrong with this fad,such as choking and infections but they continue with the challenge. I have been trying to remember what my generation did that was weird but don't recall anything on this scale. Generations prior to mine swallowed gold fish which pales in comparison with the risks today's generation is taking to set them apart from the masses. I can't help but wonder what their children will think if they ever come across videos of their parents snorting condoms and eating Tide Pods.

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