Today has kept circling back to emojis on me at every turn,first I was reading about Australia introducing vanity license plates featuring a choice of three emoji characters and how the Law Society president was concerned that it would cause problems for the police and the plate recognition systems that are in place,plus he thought the turd emoji should be included. Then I caught the end of a show where they were trying to identify what the different symbols actually meant and no one seemed to agree on any one meaning but it didn't matter because none of them were right. Then it hit me...we have come so far that instead of using letters or numbers to communicate we are going back to caveman days when they drew pictures to tell their stories. I suppose if nothing else it might ease the language barriers though I have more to say than can be said with emojis.

The following are emoji poems. I have no idea what they say.

The following are emoji poems. I have no idea what they say.

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