Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Oh Rats!

 Houston, we have a problem but it's nothing to do with a space mission. Drug addicted rats are eating confiscated drugs and other evidence. They're eating the narcotics, they're eating the marijuana! They're eating the pets, oh sorry that isn't right, they're eating stored evidence of all types. Apparently New Orleans is having similar problems with rats getting high on stored drugs. Exterminators have proven ineffective saying, "They're drug addicted rats. They're tough to deal with." I imagine they are since they're high none of the usual methods would work when they've had their fill of drugs, poison would be out as well as any baited traps. The officials decided the best they can do it get rid of the drugs stored from before 2015. They didn't mention where they were going to dispose of the drug stash but it seems like they could put it to good use to lure the rodents to another location. 

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