Monday, March 17, 2025

In the Green

 Other than the connection to St. Patrick's Day the color green has various meanings, cash, envy, jealousy and of course ecologically. The ecological-St. Patrick's Day is the focus of today's post. In 1962 the mayor of Chicago (Richard Daley) wanted to turn Lake Michigan green but soon realized the size of that task and instead directed the effort to the Chicago River. Since that time environmentalists have voiced concerns about what the harm the dye was doing to the river's fish and ecosystem. A researcher tagged 100 fish in 2023 to try to determine if the dye aggravated the fish in anyway. The fish had no reaction at all, they remained in their usual haunts, though when a rainstorm overwhelmed the sewer system and sent wastewater into the river the fish scrambled to get out of the contaminated water and there have been fish casualties from the bad water though none from the green water. In conclusion, green is good, brown not so much. 

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