Nope,not more nostalgia for TV shows of the past (The Zorro TV series ran from 1957-1959).
Today it is about some cute critters that live in South America. Zorro is the Spanish word for fox,though the zorro is a false fox it is more closely related to the canine family than true foxes. Zorros live in several areas of South America from Columbia to north Argentina and parts of Chile.They are omnivores eating mainly rodents,birds and rabbits but will also eat seeds,berries,armadillos,insects,scorpions,lizards,frogs and bird eggs. They are mainly nocturnal and live in burrows and dens,they mate in the fall and after a 2 month gestation have a litter of 2-6 which both parent care for.

Today it is about some cute critters that live in South America. Zorro is the Spanish word for fox,though the zorro is a false fox it is more closely related to the canine family than true foxes. Zorros live in several areas of South America from Columbia to north Argentina and parts of Chile.They are omnivores eating mainly rodents,birds and rabbits but will also eat seeds,berries,armadillos,insects,scorpions,lizards,frogs and bird eggs. They are mainly nocturnal and live in burrows and dens,they mate in the fall and after a 2 month gestation have a litter of 2-6 which both parent care for.