I can never say "danger,danger" without thinking of the TV show "Lost in Space". The show ran for three seasons between 9/15/1965-3/6/1968. Will Robinson was the young boy on the show and he was forever getting into dangerous situations usually at least somewhat involving the bad guy of the show Dr. Zachary Smith. The robot would always frantically wave its arms and say "danger Will Robinson,danger".
But that is not what I meant to blog about today. See how easily distracted I am? It was that more accidents happen in the bathroom than any other room in the house,mainly due to the presence of water,which can cause slips and falls and also hazards with electrical appliances. This has always been a curious thing to me as I would think the kitchen would be a bigger danger with hot things to burn you and never even mind the sharp things! Then of course there is the bedroom where many accidents of another nature happen,but that is for a different time and perhaps a different place!
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